Chapter 5 : Power and Name

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I have arrived on another floor. Though there's not much different on this floor than before, the dungeon was much brighter than before. Feeling more confident, I go through the tunnels.

Along the way, I found multiple scattered objects on the floor. An odd-looking orb, a sizeable big seed, a bottle with an unknown substance inside. Is littering in the dungeon a habit or something?

I tried picking up the orb, only to crush it with my strength. I was rewarded with a bright flash of light that temporarily blinds me.


I fell on my back while rubbing my eyes. What the heck was that? Some kind of light source? I can only hope that the flash did not attract monsters.

When my sight returned, I saw the pieces of what was left of the light orb. There's another one though in this room. I put the book down and gently picked it up with both of my hands this time. The orb emits a soft light that illuminates the room. I feel calm basking in its light. I hold it in one hand and the book in the other and continue onward.

There's nothing to indicate time in here, so I was left to wonder how much time passed. I come across another fountain room. I took the time to reciprocate myself then continue reading the journal.

"I need to find the next floor quick, that fog is getting nearer and I'm afraid of what will happen if it's covered my whole vision. I have heard only bad things about this phenomenon. A fog that haunts people that stays too long in the dungeon."

So I was always on a time limit now? But I don't think I saw any fog, then again I wasn't paying more attention to the monsters on each floor. While I think I can take them on, I have been trying my best to avoid them as to conserve my energy. So far, I have been running on that single mole, and they taste terrible. I would like to find proper meat when I get out of here.

Hmm? What's this?

"We have cornered it into one of the outskirt Mystery Dungeon. Although this may seem a triumph, a cornered predator is a dangerous one, let alone as strong as this one. When worse comes to worst, I will cast my greatest frost spell yet, trapping the Mythical Beast inside this Mystery Dungeon. Then, Yore and its people can finally rest easy knowing that the deadliest of them was taken down."

I closed the book and stared ahead. I definitely felt something when the word 'frost' was read. Some sort of untapped energy inside me, I tried reaching out to it only falling short to do so. This, I won't give up on this but for now, let's continue on ahead.

How I wish I know where I'm going. Picking a path and hope for the best. I may be going like this for days for all I know. But, not a moment I have given up hope. I can feel it in my heart, I'm so close to freedom.

When it's time to pick another tunnel, light seeps through one of them. Where there's a light, there will be a way out. I finally found it!

I sprint into the tunnel. Filled with the thoughts of finally escaping this place, I've failed to notice that the tunnel was enlarged into a big room. A big room that hides many monsters.

Seeing the light that seeps through the exit, I was overjoyed. I was so close, then out of the shadows, the monsters sprung. They surrounded me, but most importantly they blocked the exit.

Get out of my way!

I readied myself for a big fight.

I can't hope to beat them all at once. I must find a way to single them out. But first, I must get out of this situation. Still holding the orb in my hand, I held it high, closed my eyes, then crushed the orb. A bright light flashed into monsters' eyes.

While they are still disoriented, I pushed my way to reach a small tunnel. I will make this as a bottleneck and my final stand. I dropped the book at my back, I will need both of my claws at ready.

Not long after that, the monsters recovered, and so a fight ensues. Holding myself together, my claws speds to stab and slash many adversaries. My legs carried me through the dance of dodging and spacing. The monster moles swarmed me from the ground. The spiders shoot their webs from a distance. Those kamikaze bats forced me to back away from their explosions. If I got too close to the book, I kicked it farther into the tunnel.

The crowd is decreasing. At some point, I grabbed a bat readying to charge an explosion and throw it at high speed towards the spiders, killing many of them.

Throughout this, I was not unscathed. Battered with claws, bites, webs, and explosions. A few scales fall to the ground, exposing wounds, red blood oozes from it.

Determined to end this, I push for the offense. I roared and flashed my claws in front of me at an even faster rate. The moles were the last, but even those are decreasing.

After a while, the last mole falls to the ground. My claws dripped with green blood. I look at the scene, dozens of corpses lying on the floor. The walls are decorated with black smudges and blood. It is not a pretty sight. Adding to that, a fog started gathering above.

I fell to one knee and took a breather. I must have been looking like hell too. But, staying here any longer is not an option. I picked up the book and made my way back to the entrance.

If it was not for the book, I don't think I can make it here. If I had the chance, maybe I'll return it to it's rightful owner.

I was ready to put all of this behind me, to enjoy life out there when suddenly, my exit was cut off by a huge chunk of ice.

The ice itself does not look natural. It is jet black in color, a powerful aura emanating from it.

NonononoNO! I have braved the dungeon to get here! You can't do this to me!

The fog started gathering upon the whole floor. In desperate attempts to escape, I started punching, kicking, and clawing the wall of ice only to no avail.

After what I went through, I would not have given up just like that! I roared to the sky, damning whoever forced me in here. I put all my heart into the next punch when I felt it. The feeling of unknown energy when I read the book before. I quickly tapped on it. This time, it's like I knew what to do. I need to control this energy with my desire. I NEED to get out of here, and for that...

I need the frost to obey me.

I felt the energy gathered to my fist. I punched through the ice wall causing the whole thing to shatter into pieces. This is my chance, I ran ahead. After passing the usual cold feeling, I opened my eyes.

I was met with a blue sky. It looks like I was on top of a peak, overlooking the expanse of greenery. In this clearing, a single tombstone can be found.

"Here lies Aegis"

I stared at it for a while. I am indebted to his help. Without him, I would still be stuck down there.

Aegis... I will call myself with this name to honor him. To follow his legacy of helping others in need.

I left the book near the grave, fearing that bringing it on my journey would damage it. Perhaps I will return to it one day.

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