Chapter 10: Rescue

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I ended up carrying her on my back while I ran on all fours. I don't know why I didn't try to run like this before, the thought never really crossed my mind.

With her guidance, we reached what I assumed in front of the Mystery Dungeon. The trees ominously part ways here, as if creating an entrance.

Emily insisted that we have arrived earlier than the goblins so we hid ourselves to ambush.

A thought hit me. "Emily, it's not that I won't help or anything but isn't there supposed to be someone in your village that is able to save her?"

"Yes, it's that... Gus was supposed to protect her while she's out of the village but... I don't know what happened to him. I do not wish to lose anyone else..."

Fair enough I guess. It's action time though. I can already see the group of goblins moving near, a person in a sack is carried along. 5 goblins that carried the person and 4 slightly taller ones with masks and spears. The masked ones gave a dangerous vibe, I gotta be careful around them.

"Alright, are you ready?" She asked me.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"3,2,1, Disarray!"

A small ball of light flew to the middle of the group and explodes. It doesn't look much, but this caused confusion among the goblins, evident by them starting to bump each other. Now's my chance to spring into action.

I ran to the group and dispatched the goblins holding the person, aiming to let her escape first. Once cleared, I took off the sack. Poor granny, gagged and blindfolded. I passed her to Emily who will bring her to safety.

"Aegis! Be careful with the masked goblins!"

I turned around to face them. They already shook off the confusion. Spears aimed at me they slowly inched closer. I can't let them go, I need to take them down here.

Two of them rushed and unleashed a flurry of attacks. I dodged and blocked as best as I can. Their attacks are deadly and fast, but I believe I can pull through. There! An opening! I throw a shard that lodges itself into left goblin's leg. It screamed in pain. I pushed the spear and thrust my claws into its neck, killing it. I backed off to give myself some breathing space.

Only to get nicked at the right side with a spear, drawing blood. I backed off some more.

The three of them are closing in from multiple sides. Then, they struck.

I grabbed and blocked 2 of them, but the third one hit me. I grit through it, broke the spear and thrown a shard. It dodged the shard but ultimately died by my claws, straight through the gut.

I successfully blocked 2 more attacks and retaliate with claws to the neck, finishing the job.

Phew, those guys are a work. They must have some sort of training beforehand compared to the regular goblins. Nonetheless, they are still manageable, I think.

I make my way to Emily. There are pretty easy to find, considering how noisy they are.

"Darn goblins, how dare they touch me with their dirty hands. Didn't they know who I am!? In my early ages, I was-"

"Granny, hold still please, I can't work like this."

Emily is untying her binds. I sat near to watch her work.

"Emily, who is that with you? You and I better thank him properly."

"Oh, thats-"

As soon as she was unbound, she went straight to grab my claws, which kinda startles me.

"Ooh, such a fine young man aren't you? And so skinny too."

"Granny that's not-"

"Ooh I know, let's bring you to the village, we could cook you some fine meal."

"Granny, I don't think-"

"Oh Emily it will be fiiiine. You youngsters worry too much sometimes."


I don't think she can see too well.

"Come on young man, let's go."

... I had a feeling I should just let her lead me. I gave Emily a glance, to which she returned a shrug. I guess that settles it then.

I followed her to the village, all the while her delicate hand holding my claw.

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