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----ONE's P.O.V----

I walk through the streets of an empty town hoping that there was no trouble we had not yet found. I look around at the many abandoned and overgrown houses which some looked rather sketchy and others looked inviting. But, we all know that the way the look doesn't matter it is what lurks in the shadows that matters.

"Hey can you stop for a moment I found something!" Maverick shouts and I turn around seeing him standing on the cracked sidewalk infront of a house.

"What is it?" I say impatiently

"I think there is people watching us I swear I saw something in the windows" Maverick looks rather scared and it concerns me for a second but I shake it off knowing we have to keep moving.

"Let's go you probably saw an infected trapped in the house" I keep moving and I think Maverick isn't following so I turn around about to complain when I see that he isn't behind me and I feel as if I am frozen to the spot with fear.

"Maverick!" I look around snapping out of my frozen state "Look man this isn't funny if your hiding!" I start to jog back down the street checking every possible spot he could have hid in.

I round the corner and stop in my tracks as a figure of a man stands infront of me holding what looks to be metal pipe with saw blades on it.

"Shit!" I turn around and run into another man who also is wearing black cloths but this time I see the gas mask on his face and for some reason my body freezes and he grabs me pinning me against the wall wrapping his hands around my throat.

I fight against the choking force and hit his hand but it seems to do nothing as my strength begins to fade and my eyes start to close and before long I black out.

----ALEX's P.O.V----

I watch Luna as she approaches a rabbit that is nibbling on grass, she raises her bow and with one arrow the rabbit stops moving and she goes to retrieve it.

"Nice shot" I walk out of the bushes and she looks rather startled and I raise my hands.

"Sorry for scaring you I was just walking and I saw you hunting so I decided to follow you and watch how you hunt" The truth was I just wanted to see where she went and how she brought back so much food everyday practically.

"I was just hunting for Rainy and now since I killed this rabbit i'm going back" Luna looks at me with a straight face and she walks off towards the house we had made our temporary home and I just shook my head sitting down against a tree watching the leaves of a nearby tree swish back and forth.

"Where are you..." I look at a picture of One knowing he was somewhere probably thinking of me to and I hoped we would soon reunite.

----ONE's P.O.V----

"My head...." I draw back my hand which I had held to my head and see blood on it and I sigh looking around seeing that i'm stuck in a very small room with Maverick tied to the other side of the room by a chain. I notice that my leg is also tied by a chain and I start to mess with it resulting in nothing more than tiredness hitting me like a bus.

I look around seeing tiny slits in one of the walls so I crawl to them looking out of them seeing what looks to be a hallway that is covered in bloody hand prints and feet prints on the ground and walls. 

"This is fucking insane...what kind of people do this kind of shit!" Iook around seeing one camera in the room that is looking right at me so I do the only logical thing I could think of. I stuck up both of my middle fingers and shouted some words I could only think would piss anyone off.

Well I would soon regret that decision when a man opens the door and walks in with brass knuckles and what looks to be a very sharp knife. He also pulls out a wooden club of some sort and walks over to me swinging the wooden club so hard I feel it connect with my jaw and watch as one of my teeth fly's out landing across the room. I fall to the ground spitting out blood and what looks to be another tooth of mine.

"What the fuck!" Maverick wakes up backing against the far wall which then the man walks over to him and punches him in the gut with the brass knuckles and then uses the club to hit him to the ground not stopping till Maverick's back shows red marks which means he must be bleeding from the hits to his back.

"You are such a cunt!" Maverick looks at the man and I cringe knowing what must be next. After a long pause the man seemed even more mad than he had been. He lashed out again but this time he pinned Maverick to the ground and started to repeatably hit him over and over until Maverick groaned in pain. The man paused again and grabbed his knife pinning Maverick's hand to the ground and then before I could blink he swung and Maverick screamed in pain as the man got up and walked out.

"Holy shit!" I try and help him but the chains hold me back making me watch Maverick scream in pain as he holds his blood covered hand. I notice why there is so much blood as soon as I see his hand. On his left hand he had nothing wrong but now his right hand was missing two fingers.

"Maverick can you stop the bleeding?" I look at him with serious eyes and he looks back with pain filled eyes and he nods and I nod back knowing that I could trust his word.

I notice that the blood on my head is still dripping down so I lean against the wall wanting to just fall asleep and wake up knowing this is only a nightmare. But I knew whatever was going to happen here wasn't going to be good and I knew Alex might never see me again.

----Gamma's P.O.V----

I watch as the sun sets and everyone falls asleep around me except for Ryker who watches the embers of the fire glow brightly in the night.

"Your still awake?" I look at him with a questioning expression.

"Yeah I can't sleep...look i'm going to tell you something only my group knows about...Don't tell your group because they may freak out" Ryker looks at me with serious eyes and I begin to nod slowly.

"Well before you guys found us we had just escaped from....these people....they are very horrible souls who torture there victims into work and if there not satisfied..." He grabs a stick and lights the end on fire, and before I could question him he throws it on the ground and stomps the tiny flame out snapping the stick into many pieces.

"So why should we be worried besides the fact that they are killing people?" I look at him with calm eyes but in reality I was scared half to death.

"Because I heard only a few days ago that there rounding up every survivor they can find and making sure they don't survive very long after being captured....people have found bodies of other people who have been beaten to death" He looks just as horrified as I felt and I knew I must look like a ghost because I knew I must have looked pale with fear and disgust.

"You think they will find us?" I look at him with a worried expression.

"Hard to tell but my guess is...well...yes most likely" After that we both sat in silence for a long time before we both eventually fell asleep.

The Void: Frozen ThreatWhere stories live. Discover now