Silent and Deadly

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----Beta's P.O.V----

"Wake up filth!" I stand up and look at the guard who stands in the doorway to my cell and I walk over to him.

"What have you come to-" Before he can finish I kick him in the nuts and watch him curl up on  the ground.

"Have a good day" I turn and walk towards the room they had turned into a large scaled dinning room and I sat down alone in the far corner waiting for a little to get food.

I watch as people file past me giving me questioning looks and some even refused to look my way after they noticed me sitting there. I watched as the line started to go towards the line to get food, all except for one girl who sat down across from me.

"New here?" She looked at me with interest.

"Yeah why?" I give her a confused look seeming she was the only one who stopped to talk.

"Because I just wanted to now your name, mine is Adonikah" She gave me a friendly smile and I sighed knowing I should be planning my escape but I guess it couldn't hurt to talk to someone.

"My name is Beta and we really shouldn't be talking" I look at her and she laughs.

"I know you wanna escape you don't have to hide it....I can help you as long as I can come to" I sigh and nod knowing it would have been hard doing it alone.

"Follow me I know a place we can talk in private"

----One's P.O.V----

"Take it slow your wound is still healing!" I look up at Sabrina, one of the people who is in charge of keeping me on the right path to recovery.

"I know you don't need to remind me again today" I start to slowly walk to the entrance.

I walk outside seeing the whole place is alive with activity including the construction of the town hall building which won't be done for quiet some time. I feel a sharp pain as I move forward and I decide to sit down knowing I have to take it easy for a couple weeks. The doctors say if it were any farther towards the middle of my body the bullet would have broken my rib cages and shattered my spinal cord which in turn would have meant death. I come out of my thoughts as I see Alex walking towards me with a smile on his face.

"You feeling alright?" He sits beside me on the bench.

"No, I feel like literal shit" I laugh and feel sharp pains again.

"Well at least you can walk" He laughs and I notice how much he has relaxed since yesterday when he was crying and telling me not to die.

"So what did they tell you to do so you can recover?" He looks at me and I sigh not wanting to do any of the things they told me to do.

"Sabrina and the other doctors told me to walk and rest that way my body can heal over the next couple weeks" I look at him and he smiles.

"Let's get moving then shall we" He grabs my hand and we start walking.

----Jax's P.O.V----

"Jax what are we going to do about those pesky rats that raided us?" Finn look at me and I get an idea.

"We can raid them back....but we will teach them a better lesson...not to mess with us" I whisper the last part in his ear and he nods giving me a evil looking grin.

"I will start training the troops now" Finn walks out of the room shutting the door behind him leaving me alone.

"What have I become" I look in a small mirror and compare it to a photo of me standing next to Rainy. I looked about twenty years older and I had a scars covering my face and not to mention my arms and body. My teeth were no longer white but a brownish yellow color. 

"Monster...." I hear voices in my head saying the term over and over until I feel dizzy.

"Stop...stop...." I whisper in the silent room trying to stop the voices from overwhelming me.

I look out the window and sigh knowing I will have to rid the world of the people I once called friends and even the person I loved.

----Rainy's P.O.V----

"Ace be careful, Aim for the head" I look at Ace as he raises the pistol and fires off a shot which hits the dummy in the side causing it to rock back a bit before resuming its place.

"Take a deep breath, you can do it" he looks at me and I nod before he turns around and shoots hitting the dummy in the head and knocking it over.

"I did it!" Ace smiles looking at me and I smile back surprised at his aim for being only five he was doing better than some of the adults who just started training.

"You can take a break and go play with the other kids if you want" I watch as his eyes light up and he sprints towards the makeshift playground

"The grow up so fast" I turn around quickly being spooked by the voice.

"How long have you been standing there?" I look at Wyatt and he shrugs

"I don't know long enough to see that your kid has some pretty good aim...anyways the wall is almost done, we have to just connect the support beams into the wall and we will be done" He scratches the back of his head.

"Good, if you can find Alex, I need a supply team to go out and get more wood" I watch as he nods and runs off to find Alex.

----Jax's P.O.V----

"Forward, We shall teach them not to mess with us!" I watch from the window as a long and wide line of people march out of the gate and towards battle.

"I'm sorry..." I grab my hat and pistol before heading down the stairs and towards the battle that would soon happen.

All I knew as I walked up the road is that people were going to die, and whether that was my people or theirs, it was going to be a bloodbath and only one winner was to be alive at the end.

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