Turning Point

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----Rainy's P.O.V----

I watched as Finn pulled out a long dagger and grinned at me with a vision filled with hatred and the need to kill.

"Let's make this a good one shall we?" He laughed making his voice sound proper as he then lunged forward and I ducked dodging the blow.

"Well for starters be quicker!" I run at him and pull out my knife slashing at him only for it to get stopped by his knife.

"My men will crush all your friends into submission!" He grins as he looks me in the eyes.

"Hasn't someone ever mentioned to you that in battle be aware of your enemy?" I quickly sweep his legs from under him making him fall and drop his knife.

"Surprising for someone like you!" He looks at me as I put the knife to his throat ready to end him.

Just as I bring the knife closer ready to slash his throat a loud crackling noise erupts and I look up seeing the sky light up and then I notice the target the missile is heading for...the tower.

"You ordered your men to fire at this tower!" I look at him knowing he is going to get us both killed.

Before he could answer the missile hits the support to the guard tower and the whole thing starts to shake boxes and weapons sliding from the far wall towards us.

"Shit!" I grab onto the railing as I the tower stops falling getting caught on a pile of wood below.

I look down seeing that Finn has grabbed a support beam below me which looks to be about to give way under the force of someone. I look around seeing the battle raging on the field and there was no one to help.

"Looks like were screwed!" Finn laughs holding onto the bar, his face shows pain and I notice a large splinter of wood is stuck in his side and blood is dripping from the wound.

"Hope you have a good fall" I roll my eyes and focus only on holding onto the railing and not the bending sound of the wood supports.

I hear a grunt and then I notice that something has gripped my leg and I look down seeing Finn holding onto me. I try to kick out but I feel myself slipping and before I know it my fingers let go and I start to plummet.

----Beta's P.O.V----

I emerge from the bushes and gasp at the scene infront of me, people fighting each other and bodies of the dead on the ground. I look around seeing a few familiar faces but other than that all I saw was Jax's army who were winning by a long shot.

"Adonikah stay with One...I'm going to help my friends" I don't wait for her reply and I run forward my knife in hand as I charge into the mass of fighting people.

I quickly notice just how much we are outnumbered and I start slashing at any enemy in my sight helping whoever I could. I look around and I spot Luna pinned against a rock by an infected.

"Beta help!" I watch as Luna looks at me and shouts my name so I run forward and stab the Infected in the skull and shove it off her.

"We need to retreat back into camp...there are to many...plus the dead are coming back already" Luna looks out me with worry and I begin to nod.

"We can try but they will keep pushing at us-" I'm cut off by an explosion which sends us all to the ground including all the people fighting.

"No!" I look over to see Luna shaking her head in disbelief and I notice what she was looking at.

The wall to the camp had been blown open leaving a giant whole in the side meaning anyone or anything could attack us including the infected that are roaming the forest nearby and who have probably heard the explosion.

"We need to get to the Safe House before they do!" I look at Luna and she nods

"I will hold them off and try to save as many of our people as I can...you can do this without me" Luna smiles and runs off before I could object to the idea.

----Wolf's P.O.V----

"Wolf the other town is under attack!" I look up from a book to see one of the guards looking frantic.

"Alert the battle teams...was there any news about Beta being there?" I watch as the guard shakes his head.

"Well i'm coming, get someone to radio to the other town and make sure that they can last before we get there" He nods and runs off while I stand up and get my weapons.

"Beta please be there...." I whisper to myself before I walk out of the room and towards the trucks.

----Alex's P.O.V----

"Everyone stay calm!" I look around trying to calm the many frantic people.

"Sabrina...please make sure this doesn't get out of hand I'm going out to help" She looks a bit surprised that I had told her to watch over things but she then stopped me before I could leave.

"Your going to need help" She spoke in a calm voice but I could tell she wanted to say something else.

"Well who would help me, because the only people in here aren't trained or there injured from the first attack?" I look at her and she takes a second before looking at me directly.

"I can help" 

"No, you weren't trained in-" Before I finish she sweeps my leg from under me and pins me down with her foot.

"But you...how?" I look at her completely stunned.

"I know more than you think I know" She smiles before helping me up.

"Fine, but please try to stay alive...these guys are well trained, also watch out for infected" I head out and she follows close beside me as we jog towards the fight.

----Jax's P.O.V----

I limp towards the sound of battle hoping to see what has happened, I also wanted it to end that way we wouldn't lose our whole army. I emerged from the bushes and see the battle and gasp in shock at what I had caused.

"Stop!!" I yell out but no one hears me and I clutch my side in pain.

"STOP!!" To my surprise people heard me and everyone stopped and looked at me, most looked exhausted while others were looking battered with bruises and cuts.

"This battle is over, I will spare you this time but we will strike again soon!" My army looked shocked but they backed away while the others looked at me with hatred or shocked faces that I had given in even though we would have won.

----Rainy's P.O.V----

"Oh shit Rainy!" Beta crouches beside me and I smile from where I lay.

"Help me up please" I say it weakly and she helps me up while I look around seeing Alex and Sabrina behind Beta with worried faces.

"I'm fine...just a little stunned is all" I smile before I cough a bit from the smoke.

"We won..." Alex looks at me with a calm face.

"We killed them?" I look at him in surprise.

"No, they retreated and said they would be back...we also lost alot of people including Mark" Sabrina looked quite shocked by something and I looked around spotting a hole in the wall.

"We will worry about repairs later, we need to help the injured" I start to walk but then fall over feeling out of breath and dizzy.

"Sabrina help her out, Alex and I will check the injured outside" Beta and Alex trot of towards the battle site.

----One's P.O.V----

"Do you think they will come back?" Adonikah looks down the hill where they had left.

"Yeah...this is far from over"

We both sit there starring at the bottom of the hill listening to the sound of people nearby helping the injured and cleaning up the dead. I closed my eyes and all I saw was people being dying and the sounds of explosions...I opened my eyes and I knew that we had to stop Jax. He was no longer a friend, only an enemy.

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