Part 5

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Y/n pov:

I quickly glanced to my sides to make sure no one was around. I gently pushed my food back and speed walked across to the other side of the table, quickly snatching my phone and the car keys.

I ran down the isolated corridor that stretched across the house towards the door. Quietly, I opened the door once again scanning the area to make sure no one was around and for my luck, i was free to go.

I ran round the corner of the house to the collosal garage. It was wide open but inside was about 5 expensive cars. I pressed the button on the keys and a car set of a sound, the car Infront of me; It was the same black car I was driven here with. I quickly jumped in the drivers seat, and put the key in. The engine roared dramatically, sending shivers down my spine; if Tom didn't know I left the house earlier, he'd know now. I pressed my foot on the accelerator and the car zoomed out the houses' territory.

I skimmed right past the open gate setting the location on the GPS to my apartment- 15 minute drive. Great. I looked back at the house, and I saw Tom.


I broke our tense eye contact and sped ahead not daring to looking back. I drove past many buildings and casual forms of nature (Creative, right?) until I started to recognise my surroundings. A sense of happiness crept up within me as i parked the car outside our humble apartment.

I quickly jumped out the car, closing the door and running towards the building. I reached down to my pocket and got out my house keys that I put in there while I changed earlier. I burst through the house door and started to look around. I was greeted by no one so I started to shout at the top of my lungs.

"Amy! Sophie!" I burst into every room yelling their names but they weren't there. I reached down to my pocket, planning on calling them but my phone died. Great, perfect timing. I started to panic, like really bad.

I knew I wasn't safe although I escaped his grasp but who knew how long that was for. He'd find me sooner or later, no doubt. My breathing was getting heavier by the second and I didn't know what to do. I collapsed on the sofa and looked around the room, thinking of a plan. I could do it again. Disappear and start over...

As I drifted of into my taunting thoughts, I heard a loud car pull up infront of the apartment. Frantically, I ran up to the window and saw him... Tom. He was speeding towards the door with anger blowing up in his eyes. My breathing was getting worse but the second and I was absolutely clueless, what am I suppose to do?
I madly scanned the room searching for a way to escape until I lied eyes on the kitchen.

Yes, a knife could protect me.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and reached for the sharpest knife, before quickly scanning the area for some hiding spot. I was panicking really bad. Tom could burst through this door at any second.

I continued to scan the apartment until I heard loud thudding footsteps creep up the hallway, becoming louder by the second. I was still in the open so I ran to the side of the door. Hiding well enough, so I wasn't seeable.

I heard the door creak open and someone enter the room. My breathing was shaky and my eyes were watery. I was scared. I heard his footsteps decrease in sound around the corner and I squinted my eyes, letting the tears pour down my cheeks. I let out a gentle wimp, which I instantly regretted. I heard him stop walking and soon restarting but this time his steps volume increase, getting closer to where I was.

I tightened my grip on the knife and closed my eyes even tighter than before, ready to attack if necessary.

Tom's pov:

I heard her wimp. She was scared. But why would she run away with the knowledge of how dangerous I am? I slowly crept up on the place where I heard her cry. I could feel her body's radiation increase as I approached the area, where she was.

I quickly, yet silently jumped out the corner and snatched the knife out her hand, disarming her before she done anything more stupid than she already has. She let out a gentle scream and tried to run past me but I violently grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me, into my chest.

"Hello poppet."

Y/n pov:

"Hello poppet." Shit. No. Why me?
I didn't answer but instead I tried to get out of his grasp which just tightened, "Calm the fuck down." I obeyed, his voice seemed more dangerous than before, he was clearly angry with me. Besides, I was scared.

"Better." He pulled me out the apartment, slamming the door behind us, not letting go of my wrist, "Now, if you make any sound, I will kill you. Understood?" I remained silent.

"Understood?" He said more violently making me jump back a little.

"Ye.. Yes." He didn't say anything else but just pulled down the stairs and towards his car. He pushed into the front seat, slamming the door before quickly walking to the other side.

Once he sat in the car, he didn't start it. He just sat there staring at the road infront of him for a while until he snapped to face me.

"Did you talk to anyone? Tell anyone, anything?" I shook my head but that didn't seem to satisfy him, "I just asked you a motherfucking question. "

"And the answer is motherfucking no." I yelled back quickly regretting it. But he seemed amused by my outrage of speech.

"Are you sure? Cause I don't believe you."

"I didn't tell anyone anything. OK?" I
spitted angrily as I turned to face the other direction, to avoid his targeting eye contact.

I heard him sigh before he started the car driving back to the hell hole which he calls home

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