Part 27

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Y/n pov:

Yeh, he got his self confidence back, and suddenly mine was gone but I tried to hide it. I took the drink that he was holding up for me and downed it in one go. I wrinkled my face at the strong liquor and turned to look at Tom.

"I'm all yours."


It was a little awkward at first, it seemed like he was struggling to find a starting point but he got there in the end.

"Y/n, you.. being kicked out was a mistake."

"Figures." I mumbled as he gave me a glare telling me to shut up but I just put my hands up in surrender, "Right so that was a mistake and.. I never meant to hurt you and I'm so-" He was cut of by my phone vibrating on the table top. I saw Tom glance down at my phone and his face seemed to almost immediately drop when he read who was calling me. I didn't touch the phone so that Tom could continue but he just gave an irritated sigh and said, "You should pick that up, probably important."

I sighed as I picked my phone up and picked up, "Harry."

Tom's pov:

I tried not to listen in on their conversation, but it was almost impossible since Y/n was sitting besides me. All I could only hear Y/n's half.

"No I haven't been kidnapped."
"Getting a drink."
"Yes, still. I told you I want to get drunk."
"No, I'm alone."
"Okay, yeh, uh huh.. bye Harry."

Once she hanged up she out her phone back on table and turned back to me with a smile, sadly I couldn't return it. 

"What was that about."

"He was just checking in, making sure I was okay."

"Well why didn't you say you were with me?"

"What do yo-"

"Do you not want your precious boyfriend knowing your hanging out with me?"


"Yes you heard me!" I shouted, a little louder than I intended which clearly hurt her as she flinched and sadness crowded in her eyes.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? I saw the two of you kissing! Well, nearly but I know what was about to happen!"

"Wait are you suggesting that's the damn reason to you kicking me out?"

"Fucking hell Y/n, how oblivious are you! Maybe it was the reason maybe it wasn't but that doesn't really matter does it! You clearly already made your choice!"

"My choice!? Are you fucking with me? I was kicked out because you thought you saw something? Well let me tell you what you fucking saw, you saw wrong! I pushed away, it never happened. You know why? Because I started to think about you! Because I wanted that to be you! But no, the next time I see you.. you kick me out. Well thank god Harry isn't as much of a dick as you because he helped me leave without having to see you! And honestly it was going great till today!" She picked up her bag that was on the seat besides her and started to walk away but she turned around and started again, "Oh and as your such a bad brother, I think I should tell you that Harry has a fucking girlfriend. Which isn't me!"

She left. I fucked up. Again.

Y/n pov:

I thought I'd be upset, but I was pissed. Like.. WHAT THE FUCK? (🦆) I decided it was best if I put an end to drinking.. only for that night.

I decided it was best if I go home so I just walked out the club and called a cab. I didn't want to distract the girls from their fun time. Once I called for a cab I stood besides the club building and waited patiently for my ride home to arrive.

As I stood trying to keep myself warm, I heard a little wimp in the background on the roaming traffic and music emerging from the club. I immediately shot alert and put my hand there where my gun was but I soon came to realization that it was a girl crying.

I followed the girls voice which led to an alley way on the side of the club, I continued to follow the voice until I was kneeling down Infront of a weeping girl.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked cautiously, still keeping my hand close to the gun.

"I.. I.." She starting to say as she picked her head up and starting clearing her face of the streaming tears. I, however, couldn't make out ant facial features as it was too dark.

"Come on you can tell me."

"I.. really thought this was going to be harder."

"What?" The girl straightened herself out as she stood up and started laughing maliciously while I started to back away and i reached for my gun.

"I mean.. aren't you supposed to be the daughter of the Osterfield's?" Said the mysterious girl as came out the shadow and I can say she wasn't that much of a mystery anymore.

It was Lucy.

I immediately pulled my gun out and aimed it at her as she laughed once again.

"Oh don't hurt yourself with that... I don't think you were trained."

As she took another step towards me, i released the safety on the gun and when she opened her mouth to say something, i shot the wall besides her, just skimming her head at hope she's freak out and leave but she didn't.

"Oh do you do know how to use it." She said. What a bitch.

I put the gun out in front of me, I released the safety ready to fire once again but she started to talk, "Hmm.. I actually came here to fetch you and you're just making it more fun. But now that you scared you're little boyfriend off, there's no one here to protect you and i-" I cut her by shooting her in the stomach, her blood immediately merging around her once clean shirt.

"Ahhh you bitch!" She yelled in pain as both of her hands immediately went to her fresh wound, "I think my fun time is over. Harrison!"

"Harrison?" I turned around trying to find him but I didn't get much of a chance to proceed with my search.

Everything went black.

A/n: Ayyyyy cliffhanger 🤣

So how's everyone doing stuck at home?

I'm so boreddd. The only thing keeping me going is school work😩

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