Part 17

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A/n: I love that pic of Tom from the Doctor Dolittle Premier in London😂

Y/n pov:

I spent a few hours at the gym and wondering around the building. I contacted Tom at one point and he told me try and meet this Lucy girl and get into the workplace. I'm not quite sure why, he told me what to do but never told me why.

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking some water when my mother entered.



"Your father is waiting upstairs." I knodded and walked past her to the isolated, intimidating door. I was hesitant at first, should I knock or just walk in? In the end, I decided not to knock therefore I just walked inside.

My father, the intimidating figure, was sitting behind the desk staring right into my soul. I ignored his piercing stares and sat opposite him.

"Missed me much?"

"Since when do you wear glasses?" Shivers went down my spine as he spoke. His deep and sharp voice brought numerous torturous memories running through my mind. 

"Since the fire.. I damaged my eyes."

"Well now to the reason I'm actually here. Did mother catch you up?"


"No? Well, I was thinking.. when I left I was young and dumb. Now I'm older.. more mature.. I want my cut in this family business. I want to be a part."


"I know I won't be leader since you and mother replaced me with some.. bitch but.. I want to help out. So.. what do you say?"

"Why the sudden change of heart.. since when do you want to be part of this family, huh?"

"Like I mentioned earlier... I've matured."

"I see.." He thought for a moment leaving me in my own thoughts... I didn't mess up, did I?

"Leave. Go do.. whatever. I need to have a chat with Alice."

I picked myself up and walked out the office. Once I shut the door and was out of hearing sight, I sighed loudly; I didn't even realize I was holding that in.


After around 2 hours I was called back into the office. I sat in my previous seat as my parents stood towering over me.


"What exactly do you expect to do?"

"Whatever I can."

"Right wel-"

"Oh, but I do have one thing I want to do."

"We're listening?"

"I want to meet my so be called step sister." They turned back and whispered something but they quickly turned back around. My father's with a suspicious smile on his face.

"Very well. You can meet her. How does now sound?"

"Sounds perfect."

We immediately left the house and he drove me up to the workplace. Thank god I had a new GPS installed in my glasses and my phone from Tom since the car has darked down windows and we drove down some unsigned streets.

When we arrived and entered the challenging building, I was told to sit down in the waiting area. I waited for 5 minutes until my father walked out, still smiling devilishly, with someone behind him.

"Y/n, meet your stepsister.." He moved out the way so that the figure could get into sight, "Lucy." I smiled but she just smirked and reached for something in her pocket. When she reached out the pocket, she had a gun in her hand.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." I didn't have the chance to say anything.. everything went black.

Tom's pov:

When Dan moved out the way to view Lucy, I smashed my hands on the desk making everything tremble. It's the same bitch that betrayed my trust. I was about to walk out the room, to leave Harry to this for a moment, but Y/n was knocked out. And this made me even more angry.

I eruptidly stood up and ran my hand through my hair... This is becoming too much.

"Harry! Get the car ready and the location of this.. their.. place."


"NOW!" Harry rushed out the room and before I knew it, we were in the car on our way to save.. help Y/n.

Y/n pov:

I woke up with a piercing pain in my forehead. I tried to reach and comfort myself but i was tied to a chair; rope rubbing against my delicate wrists and ankles.

As I restored my vision by blinking a couple times, I noticed a figure, slowly approaching me. As they approached I knew who it was.


"Y/n. Do explain. Why do I owe this pleasure?"

"I want to be part of this family."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be? Because you ties me to a chair AND knocked me out? Nah it's chill every family has its problems."

"That's not what I meant.." She reached for a chair and sat opposite me.

"What I meant it this." She reached to her pocket and got the glasses I was previously wearing.

"C-can I have then back please?"

"Why? You don't need them. They have no prescription. Standard vision. But what did catch my attention was the little camera in here.. and they microphone."


"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Cut the bullshit Y/n. Who are you with?"

"Umm.. you? Unless there is someone else in this room." I started to pear around the room but I was soon slapped round the face. A red mark quickly forming

"Tell me who you're working for."

"No one... Well I was trying to get a job here but that failed."

"Fine. Want to do this the hard way?"

A/n: Your girl is sorry for never posting but she trying 🤦✌️ I also broke my finger on Friday so.. haven't had the time to write.

Family Issues - Tom Holland x Reader (Mob!)Where stories live. Discover now