Part 7

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Y/n pov:

I've been living in the haunted Holland mansion for almost two weeks now and not much has changed. I had some of by belongings brought in from my apartment like clothes and some books but that's about it. Tom didn't ask me anymore questions about me but I noticed he's kept a close eye on me.

Whenever I'm to leave my room and go to the kitchen or whatever, i can always see him lurking around, or I just think he is. It's like he thinks he'll find something out by stalking me around his own house, the house I'm trapped in.

And Harrison? Nothing. I've attempted to talk to him. But nothing. He ignores me no matter how hard I try but I also had to stop trying to talk with him. Not to give Tom any suspicions. To not link me to Harrison in any way.

Tom's pov:

I'm onto Y/n. I know something's not right with her. I would've let her go by now but we just can't seem to get to an understanding, not like I've tried.

Besides, I want to know who she is. Her history. She's a very secretive person that's lacking a history.

I've also realized she's very fond of Harrison, always attempting to talk with him. They have a very weird bond, ever since y/n met Haz, that seems awfully suspicious...

They must know eachother.

So today, instead of going to the office (work place) I decided to stay back home, so that they didn't know, and try to find something out. And I'm sure the plan will succeed. I'm Tom Holland.


I woke up as I would every morning, done my normal daily routine but instead of entering my car and driving ahead, I told Harry to replace me at the office today, taking care of business and not tell Harrison that he's going. I also told Harry to take my car, Haz would think it's me.

Luckily that part of the plan succeeded so I was left, being secretively quiet in my bedroom, eavesdropping to whatever sound emerged from Y/n 's room.

After about 2 hours, I got to know Harrison's routine. He checks on Y/n about every 30 minutes but nothing interesting has happened, yet.

It's currently 11:49am. So I presume Y/n would leave to get some food soon.

Y/n pov:

I was desperate. I must talk to Harrison. I need to explain everything. Thoughout the passed 2 weeks, I've come to know that Harrison spends his time outside or in the kitchen. I don't know why and I haven't exactly had the chance to ask. But considering the fact it was almost 12. He'd be making himself a hot meal that he wouldn't want to leave.

Considering Tom is at work, he won't be able to interfere or end the conversation. He won't be able to eavesdrop as I saw him leave today morning.

I carefully sneaked down the stairs and smelt the scrumptious food fill up the atmosphere. Round the corner, I saw Harrison settle down to eat his food. This was the right moment.

I burst into the kitchen, sat opposite him and stared Harrison dead in the eye. He done the same.

"Harrison." I said cheekily.

"What do you want?" He snapped
turning back to his food.

"I wanted to talk." I walked across the table to stand besides him.

"There is nothing to talk about Y/n."

"Yes there is. You deserve an explanation."

"You don't deserve to be listened to." He said standing up and walking away but I ran across and blocked his way.

Tom's pov:

I heard Y/n leave her room so i followed her. Just not to close so I wasn't seen or heard.


I heard Y/n and Harrison talking, more like shouting, in the kitchen so I stood besides the wall so that I wasn't seen or heard. But I could hear them. Their voices were clear and vibrant. Very distinctive.

"You don't deserve to be listened to."

"Come on Haz. Please."

"Don't call me that. That's what my family and friends call me. And you're none of those."

"Please Harrison. Let me just explain."

"No, Y/n Y/l/n. Well I thought it was Osterfield but I guess that changed. I'm keeping an eye-" I cut Harrison of by entering the room and capturing their attention.

"What do you mean Osterfield?" I asked looking from Y/n to Harrison

Y/n pov:


Family Issues - Tom Holland x Reader (Mob!)Where stories live. Discover now