Part 16

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A/n: The image above is your outfit:-)

Y/n pov:

I was woken up the next morning by Tom walking into the room and waking me up in a horrid manner. He said I had to get up early so that we can run everything over and set me up with his.. equipment? I stumbled out of bed and changed into my assigned clothes:

I was shocked by the clothes he chose for me. I damn we could've chosen these by myself but I didn't have much of a choice but to obey, i would've ended up dead if I disobeyed.

Once I got dressed, and done my hair I went downstairs to eat breakfast, Tom already waiting for me.


"It took me like 5 minutes and honestly that's quite good for me." I walked around him and sat at the table whispering under my breath, 'fucking hell'.

I quickly ate my food as Tom was staring at me throughout the whole time.

Once I cleaned up, he took me to one of the many rooms I've never been in before and left me there.

"Hi so I'm Josh. I'll be giving you some equipment for your.. mission?" I simply smiled and didn't answer, I didn't want to. Besides, I didn't know what to say.

"Okay so this.." He held a small black item up, "Is the mic. It's going to be well hidden so they shouldn't suspect it." He examined where to put it before asking for my permission to put it near my shirt. I smiled in response and he done his thing.

"There is also a camera. We want to see what you see so.." He reached in a bag and got glasses. He handed them to me to put them on and I done so.

He handed me a little hand mirror and I check myself out. They.. suited me.

"If you're parents ask say you damaged your eyes in the fire and need to wear them at all time.. you have.. sensitive eyes." I said a soft, "Okay." Before handing him the mirror back.

"Anything else?"

"Yes.. second camera. I need you to attach it to your.. shirt. Incase the first one fails." I knodded and done as he said before heading back our the room to the hallway where Tom was waiting for me.

He stood staring at me for moment making me feel uncomfortable so I cleared my throat which made him snap out of his day dream.

"Alright, let's go."

The car journey was mostly silent. Silent unless Tom insisted on going through everything again. He dropped me of a couple roads before the house, so I don't seem suspicious coming out a fancy car. I was all shaky as I stood Infront of the towering gate. I run a bell that was on the gate and waited for someone to reply..


"Hi, I have urgent business with Sir Osterfield."

"May I ask who you are?" I took a deep breath before replying.

"Y/n. Osterfield."


"Hello?" The gate opened and I walked passed the blossoming garden up to the door and before I could even knock, the door swung open.

"Y/n?" Shouted a mysterious looking women, "Y/n!!" Before I could do anything she embraced me in a tight hug. I slowly pulled away and fixed my glasses.

"Umm.. hi?"

"Right, you don't know me. I'm Stacey. I've worked for your family for many years.. just outside the country. But I've known you your whole life." I just smiled.

"Do come in." She moved out the way for me to enter the house. Although it was a new house, it looked just like the old one. Haunting memories came fludding back as I scanned the area. A single tear traced down my cheek but I quickly cleaned it of when I heard Stacey call my mum, Alice.

She came downstairs and I can promise, nothing changed. Still the same heartless expression she had before. She stared at me, coldly.

"Y/n.. I see you have returned after how you burned our previous house down."

"Good to see you too mother."

"What brings you here."

"I think.. business is the best way to describe this."


I sat opposite her in what I presumed was father's and her office. It was a lot more dull and dreadful that Tom's, which I thought was impossible.

"So? What do you want."

"You know, I really thought you'd he happier to see me. I mean.. I was dead? And you just don't seen to give a fuck."

"Cut this bullshit. What do you want?"

"Well.. I may have left but I'm still blood. I want my cut in this.. business. I thought about it. I've matured in these last years. I don't want to run the mob, I want to help in it. I want to be part of this.. and from what I've heard you've replaced me."

"We have."

"May I know by who?"

"Her names Lucy. She's your stepsister."

"Can I meet my so be called new family member?"

"I haven't even agreed to the first thing you asked me."

"And I doubt you will until you speak it through with Dan - I mean my Father." She huffed and picked the office phone up.

On call:

"Hello? Yes with Dan please... Yeh hi.. I umm.. there someone here you need to speak to.. in how many hours? But this is urgent... Fine."

She put the phone down and looked at me.

"I can't make such important decisions alone."

"Of course you can't."

"And your father won't be back for a couple of hours so.. I guess.. you can stay here meanwhile... I would give you a room but I fear you'll burnt the place down again so you'll have to just hang out.. anywhere."

"Do you have a gym?" I laughed. "Who am I kidding? You train kids since birth of course you do. Well, umm..where is it?"

Family Issues - Tom Holland x Reader (Mob!)Where stories live. Discover now