Part 28

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Harrison's pov:

I have no idea what was going through my head when I went back to my family. When I found out about the scheme that Tom created and Y/n took part in willingly. I felt like I was going crazy. Crazy with anger.

I was trying to get my family back together. The only thing I've wanted since Y/n's 'death'. I've being waiting for Y/n to come back and for my family to be reunited. And that plan seemed to be working.. Y/n was going to come me home.. see our parents. But no? It was a lie. A lie to get inside the house and under their skin. That made me crazy. I felt betrayed.

And the only thing that I could think to do was the only think that I've been taught to do. Revenge.

Yes, I felt bad when I had to knock Y/n out but I also felt something else.. I felt vengeful and I didn't regret it. 

Y/n pov:

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I tried to adjust to my surroundings. The room was dark and I had a pounding headache but that didn't stop me from knowing that I was tied to chair. My wrist burnt from the harsh rope that was strangling my hands and feet. I started to move around violently at hope to break free but my attempts were nonsensical as it only made my wrists and ankles burn more. The only good that came out of my constant movement was that my vision adjusted to the darkness and u could now make out the 4 walls surrounding me.

I started to breath heavily as I immediately recalled what happened previously and the taunting thoughts filled my head;

Lucy took me? Yes. Does anyone know I'm gone? Probably not. Am I safe? Nope. Did Harrison betray me? Yep. 

I unfortunately got the wrong answers to these stupid questions and I could feel my eyes starting to fill up with tears. But they weren't from sadness, it was anger. I was angry with myself. I felt so useless.. helpless. If I didn't have that gun I wouldn't of been able to do anything. Lucy was right; without Tom as my bodyguard I can't do anything.

I sat in the chair with the horrid thoughts flooding my brain as fresh tears trickled down my cheeks. I sat in the taunting silence for what felt like several hours but was in fact just a couple of minutes. A couple, but sincerely the worst.

I was however bought out of my thoughts, by a ruffling sound. I was soon met with a sharp light from the door opening and someone entering. My first guess was that it was Lucy.. and I was right.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." She said, her fucking voice is the most annoying shit I've ever heard. What a bitch!

I followed her figure around the room until I heard the door slam shut and another figure started wondering around the room.

"So, Y/n do you like the hospitality?" She asked as she took a seat opposite me.

"Go to hell, bitch." I answered while she just laughed.

"You've got some nerve.." She said as she stood up and slapped me round the face, the stunning sensation taking over my now sour cheek, "Hasn't she Harrison?"

My eyes shot wide open as I turned to where to second figure stood. I saw him shrug his shoulders as he once again changed his position in the squared room which only consisted of two chairs and the three of us.

"So.. sister." I said trying to avoid Harrison's figure in the background, "What do you want from me?"

"Well that depends.. I just want to have a little fun.. maybe hurt you a little..."

"Let me guess.. maybe kill me?"

"Oh that'd be no fun.." She said, taking a seat opposite me once again, "In fact, I want you here so that you can see what kind of person Tom is." I immediately knew where this was going... Turning me against him? I don't think so.

"I know what kind of person he is. He killed 3 fucking people infront of me!"

"Oh that's not what in talking about.." I raised my brows in confusion before she started, "I'm talking about what he done to me.. how he tortured me."

"Listen here bitch, I don't care! He can do all he wants to you. By all means, he could kill you and I wouldn't give a fuck."

"Oh yeh? Well then I guess you'd like to go back to that precious boyfriend of yours.. the same one that abused me.. while we were still together in fact."

"Yeh right."

"Oh he did and I have no doubt he would hurt you too."

"You're.. you're lying, bitch." I spat in her face without an ounce of regret although It obviously pissed her off as once she swiped her face clean she punched me several times until she decided to stop, probably having enough of my blood on her filthy hands.

At reflex, I attempted to clean the blood of my face but I failed only adding more pressure to my wrists making them ache even more.

"Harrison, do clean her up. I can't bear for her to be more ugly than she already is. I'm going to go and fix myself." She said as she left the room and Harrison slowly approached me. 

He picked up a cloth that lied somewhere on the ground and reached up to touch my face. I immediately flinched as soon as the cloth came to contact with my face and he gave an irritated sigh before harshly grabbed my face and cleaning the fresh blood.

Once we finished he pushed my face back and started to walk around the room once again and, I must say, the silence was unbearable.

"Why are you doing this Harrison?" He remained silent so I continued, "Why did you leave.. betray us like that." That obviously hit a nerve as he immediately turned around.

"Us? As far as I'm concerned you work alone. Didn't you leave Tom? Fake your death to be alone? Isn't that why Lucy was able to get you? Huh, well Y/n you deserve EVERYTHING that is coming your way."

"But Haz-"

"No, Y/n, you hurt me. I - I I've been betrayed by you on more than one occasion. First leaving me, faking your death. Coming back and getting under my skin to reach your own family? That's low."

"Huh, let me guess Lucy got that bullshit stuck in your 'ead right?"

"Even if she did.. she's been a better sister than you."

Ouch. That hurt. 

A/n: Haz is a meany😕

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