Part 10

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Y/n pov:

I sighed. I either tell him, or I go through that torturous pain again. I fiddled with my fingers as Tom sat back at his desk.

"Well?" I looked up at him then look back down, if I'm to speak of it, I can't look anyone in the eye.

"Well.. let's say my life sucks. I used to live in a huge house like yours with my fucked up family. I guess.. they were like you?" He looked at me confused, "Mob leaders." His jaw dropped down but I continued.

"As a child, they taught me some shit stuff a 9 year old girl shouldn't be doing. They continued to train me I guess. They said I was to be the next mob leader when I turn 18 as I'm the eldest sibling. My brother, a year younger... Would be the second leader. They also said I already had a fucking arranged marriage to help the mob grow. I.. I didn't like the idea of that. I wanted to live life my own way without their fucking rules. Sooo, I stood up to them. I said just those words. They weren't happy and gave me.. that." I gestured towards the scar, "After that one time, every time I done something wrong they.. they put me through more pain like that. And left scars just not so seenable."

"I was really close with my brother though, he was great. But, he didn't know about what my parents did to me. They said I'd regret it and i believed them. My brother liked the idea of power and everything. But I didn't. So when I turned 17 I started to plan my escape. I, before hand, made myself a fake ID. Kept my first name and changed the last. Y/n Y/l/n. I tried to talk my brother into leaving with me, he thought I was joking around and he didn't take me seriously. But I was. So a couple days before my 18th birthday, my parents told me that I'd be meeting my husband on my birthday... To get married. I hated the idea of that so the night before my 18th. I got a lighter. Set fire to my room. Ran away. They thought I perished in the fire... which was the plan. So I ran away. Started over. Met Amy and Sophie and started to live a normal life. Of course it was hard at first. The fire at my family home was a great tragedy. But over time, it was ok... Until I met you." We sat in silence for a while, he obviously analysing everything I just told him.

"Oh.. and that morning after I slept with you.. I was found out. They knew who I really was. They wanted to take me back. To my family."

"Wh- What's your real surname?" I took a deep breath before answering him.

"M-my re-real surname is Os-Osterfield. Harrison is my brother."

His mouth dropped open once again, he stared at me, probably thinking it all through. I was left to just sit there awkwardly playing with my fingers while Tom drifted of into his thoughts whilst staring at me.

Tom's pov:

This. It all makes sense now. How she called Harrison, 'Haz' and how Harrison called her an Osterfield and how she acted weird around him at first. It all makes sense. I feel a sense of sympathy towards her, what she went through. I never had to go through that. I wanted this life. I had a choice, I guess but that comes from having 3 younger brothers.

And her family situation. She was found out but I killed the dudes. That doesn't mean she is safe now. I snapped back into reality and sighed loudly capturing Y/n's attention.

"That's not what I expected. But I respect that? And since you're in danger.. you will stay here, still under security until this shit Is sorted out somehow." She smiled weakly and wimmped a gentle, 'thank you'.

"And Harrison? I talk it through with him. He'll come around." I saw happiness raise in her eyes, she was like a 6 year old on Christmas morning.

"Thank you." She said, more clearly and vibrantly while making eye contact with me I didn't want to break but I had to. I didn't want to repeat history.

"So.. that's it. You can go back to your room." She smiled, stood up and headed for the door but just when she was going to touch the door knob I stopped her.

"Oh, Y/n?" She turned around and I walked up to her, "Here's that pencil you came in here for." She took the pencil, thanked me and walked of into her room.

~later that day~

I stayed in my office for most of the rest of the day. What happened to Y/n got me thinking, how did they find her? What if they've been following her for some time now and decided to act on it when she was alone and vulnerable? I was busy searching for answers when I heard a sharp knock at the door.

"Come in." I say without looking up but I heard the person approach the desk and sit opposite me waiting for me to look up which I eventually did.

"Harry? What you doing here?"

"Well.. umm... M-Mum? She came over and has insisted on a family dinner today. Here. She's in the kitchen cooking as we speak."

"What? What do I do with y/n?"

"That's why I'm here, Tom. She could either come along or you can lock her up in her room."

"Right." I thought for a moment until I heard my name being yelled from downstairs. I looked at Harry, but he looked just as confused as me so we both went downstairs to see my Mum hugging Y/n.

Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is y/n doing there?

Y/n pov:

I sat in my room, sketching random things that popped into my head when I heard voices emerge from downstairs.

At first, I didn't think much of it but after some time i started to hear the kitchen equipment being moved around. I thought it was Tom or Harry making some food so I decided to go downstairs and interrogate them, force them into making me some too.

As I marched down the stairs, I started to hear more voices but i didn't think much of it. Many people live in this house and I only know a couple of them. Therefore, I freely bombarded into the kitchen. Unaware of who was actually in there.

As I entered I made eye contact with a very cheerful looking women, behind her a man I presume was her husband, playing around with a boy that was about 14 years old.. and a boy that looked seemingly familiar to Harry but it wasn't him. Harry's hair was more curly.

Before I could even finish scanning everyone, the cheerful women was embracing me in a tight, warm hug, yelling Tom's name from upstairs.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Nikki, Tom's mum."

Family Issues - Tom Holland x Reader (Mob!)Where stories live. Discover now