Part 34

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Y/n pov:

It's been a couple of weeks and things have begun to go back to how they were before. Of course I still visit the Holland Mansion for my one on one training with Tom ~ it's always a lot of fun. Tom has become great company and a great friend although we have had a couple.. moments that we always avoid talking about and just continue living our lives.

And by our lives, I mean Tom continues to run the mob and he seems to be more feared than before as what happened with Lucy apparently got out to the public. Apparently Lucy was a big deal so Tom was more intoxicant but he seemed to enjoy the power.

Whereas I, I returned to my job at the café and living with the girls. Everything has been... Perfect. Amy and Sophie going on double dates while I'd usually go and annoy Tom since he bought me a car as 'an apology for everything I went through'

He also said it was a late birthday present.
I refused to take it at first, but Tom's really good at persuading. Besides, he brought me a Black (some nice car company) so how could I have said no? It would've been rude.

Besides, I've been taught better than that to say no to a present.

It's currently 9:30am, the time I always go to the Holland mansion to train. I sat in my car outside the gate waiting to be let inside. I didn't wait long since the gate quickly opened and I parked my car in the middle of the driveway because who cares.

Huh, not me

I walked inside like I owned the place and went up to Tom's office. He's never there already so I've come to a routine of going to his office, telling him to move his fat ass, wait for him to change and then start training.

I hopped cheerfully towards his office and politely knocked on the door. After a couple seconds of silence I just walked inside..

He wasn't there.

Huh, strange. I thought to myself before going to check on his room, he could be there. I knocked 3 times waiting for a reply which I once again didn't receive. I opened the door and cautiously walked inside, "Tom?" I asked as I stood in the roomway peering around the room.

He's not here either.

I sighed irritated before reaching for my phone and texting Tom.

Where are you?

Out, I'll be back soon.

Start without me.

Okay but hurry up🙄

I sighed putting my phone in my pocket. I closed his bedroom door and heading down to his gym place. I have trust in his house security so I calmly walked down to the gym.

Once I was in the gym I threw my bag on the ground and put on some headphones before going over to the punch bag.

I was punching the bag pretty intensely, the song I was listening to was putting me in a hardcore mood. I kept punching the bag as hard as i could for a couple of minutes now until i finally knocked it to the ground.

I stood breathing heavily staring at the bag until I heard someone clapping behind me. I took my headphones out and turned around to see Tom.

"You're late." I sighed, reaching for my water bottle to take a sip.

"I'm sorry." He put his hands up in surrender.

"Where were you?"

"I was.. shopping. And then I was struggling to park my car because someone parked their car in the middle of the driveway. "

"I wonder who that could've been.."

"Hmm, yeh. I wonder.."  He crossed his arms while I chuckled slightly.

"So, what were you shopping for?"

"A.. dress."

"A dress?"


"You wear dresses?"

"Ye- what? No!" I laughed again before continuing.

"So whose the dress for?

"Umm.. you." I gave him a confused look as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You? Got me a dress?" He knodded, "Why?"

"Because you're going to a ball with me."


"There's this.. event today.."

"Figures." He gave me a glare before continuing.

"And I was hoping you'd be my date. I have a spare invitation and Harry's going somewhere with Sophie and Sam with his girlfriend. So.. I thought.. you'd like to go?"

"I mean.. sure! I'd love to." He gave me a cute smile while walking up to me.

"Okay, great. Well, I umm.. I have your dress upstairs in the spare room... Don't worry, I'm sure it'll fit you as I asked your friends about your size."

"How did you know i'd say yes?"

"I didn't.. I just hoped you would." We both laughed until it transferred into another moment of awkward silence.

"So.." I asked.


"I should probably go get that dress.. go home.. and get ready?"

"I umm.. yeh. You go, I'll pick you up at 5:30. The thing starts at 6."


When I got home it was about 10:15 so I didn't bother to start getting ready yet. I took the dress to my room and layed it flat on my bed. I haven't seen it yet as it was in a garment bag and I didn't want to see it. Not just yet. I wanted to be.. in shock. (Anddd I I just don't want to show you the dress in this part 😂♡)

I spent most of the morning watching tv until noon came around so I decided to go and take a long and alleviating bath.

Once about 10 relaxing minutes have passed, I got an incoming phonecall from Amy. I immediately picked it up considering it was her lunch break at work.

On call:

Y:"Hey girl, what's up?
A:"Nothing.. just wanted some company on my break."
Y:"Right well, I have some tea.."
A:"SPILL GIRL? Did you and Tom make out yet? I mean.. the sexual tension could've been cut with a knife."
Y:"W-what? No. I umm... Tom invited me to some ball tonight."
Y:"Yep, and I need help getting ready.",
A:"I got you girl. I'll come over as soon as my shift is over and I'll help you get ready."
Y:"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."
A:"Yeh.. 1 hour to go.."

A/n: I may or may not spill some tea in the next part... Not 100% sure it'll happen Tho... You just have to wait and see😁😁

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