Part 31

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Y/n pov:

As soon as Lucy left the room, I adjusted the miniature blade against the rope. I didn't care  that Lucy was still awake. The possibility that she will come in here was almost at 0%.

The pain was unbearable. It felt like my stomach was being ripped apart and in some way, it was. My eyes were becoming heavier every moment and my vision was becoming very vivid. I wanted, more than anything, to fall asleep but I had to stay awake. I had to finish cutting the thick rope that has harassed my wrists for the past.. I don't know.. 3 weeks?

I started pressuring the rope with the sharp blade but it was almost impossible. The pain from my stomach has managed to transfer itself around my entire body. It was horrible.

However among the less, I continued to attack the rope, occasionally slicing my hands forcing more blood to emerge from my body. 

My tiring groans filled the air, as I continued to press against the rope but the pain was becoming too much. My hands were becoming weaker every moment. They became so weak, I finally dropped the blade out of exhaustion but I didn't lose consciousness. I couldn't do that.

Once again, I'm in the same position I was in when I first got here. I had one job. One fucking job. Untie myself. I couldn't even do that.

How useless can I be?

Those dreading thoughts filled my mind which led to me crying. The tears flowed fluently through the old tear traces down my demolished face. Every tear that left my eye, felt more painful than the other as each tear made contact with at least with one of the injuries on my face.

However I had to force my crying to be cut short as it only added pressure to my stomach, putting me in more pain.


I don't know how long it's been, couldn't have been too long, but I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to stay conscious. The excruciating pain has numbed my entire body and my eyes were starting to drift together. I don't have much time, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold this up much longer.

I was sitting in the taunting silence, the only sound being heard was my feet scraping against the harsh floor that was flourished with my blood. My brain was flooded with dreading thoughts but they somehow became calming after some time..

Maybe it won't be so bad if I die.. for real this time. I won't have to live with my mistakes and my useless self. Maybe I could find peace. I always presented afterlife as nothing but maybe it wouldn't be as bad. No one can hurt you, you can't feel a thing..

My thoughts were cut short by a blaring, crashing sound. I managed to crack a small smile as it was most likely Tom; it had to be.

I was right.

I was right as the door to the room I was trapped in was knocked down and there he was.

Tom's pov:

We knocked down the door that led to where Harrison went. It was like a normal house, the only issue was the odd, metallic door.

I kicked the door down at full force and walked inside. But what I saw made my heart ache. Y/n in a pool of her own blood. She looked skinny, clearly underfed. Her face was swollen from the several bruises and cuts and the dried up spread across her whole body. She was still wearing the dress from her birthday but it was clearly destroyed. Her stomach had blood continuosly emerging from it but she still managed to crack a smile when she saw me.

I immediately ran to get side and started to untie the ropes, "Harry!"

He ran into the room while holding onto Haz, "Yeh?"

"Take him to the car and come back for Y/n. She needs to go to the hospital."

"N-no."  Y/n whispered as her eyes started to drift closed, "I want you.. to be.. there." I smiled at her genuine request and turned back to Harry.

"Take Haz to the car and come back to help Sam with Lucy.." I lifted Y/n up bridal style and she leaned her head on my chest, "I want you to tak her to our house and lock her in the basement until I get back. Keep an eye on the two of them!"

I rushed out the building and got into one of the two cars. I gently put Y/n in the passenger seat, whilst telling her to stay awake, before running across to the driver's seat and driving off.

The journey to the hospital was the most excruciating thing I've ever done. Y/n was growing weaker ever second and I couldn't help but feel fear overwhelm me. Throughout the whole journey I was ushering soft words to Y/n, "Come on darling, just a little but longer.. you can do this." But I doubt it helped much.

When we got to the hospital, Y/n was immediately taken into surgery...

*time skip*

I sat by Y/n's bed side waiting for any updates. She had several stitches all over her body and her face was an dreading shade of purple form the numerous hits to the face she received. Her operation was successful but she needed a blood transfer. I immediately put myself forward but they had to be sure my blood type corresponds with hers.

I sat besides Y/n's bedside, holding her hand and rubbing her knuckles with my thumb. She was too weak to wake up and needed the blood as soon as possible.

"Mr Holland?" I immediately stood up and left Y/n's bedside.

"So can I be the donor?"

"I'm afraid you can't. Y/n's blood type is O positive and you're blood type is AB positive. Her blood type is very rare And she can only receive blood from O positive or negative." I gave a frustrated sigh before the Doctor continued, "Does she have any family? Siblings.. parents? It's more likely family members will be able to be donors"

"She - she has a brother. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help. I'll contact him immediately." The Doctor smiled sympathetically and I reached for my phone dialling Sam's number.

"Sam? Bring him here."


He donated. He didn't have much of a choice and thankfully, Y/n reacted positively to the transfer and was due to wake up any time now.

I sat by her side the whole time, patiently waiting for her to wake up. I held her hand the whole time but I was slowly starting to fall asleep. But as I slowly fell in and out of consciousness, I felt someone squeeze my hand. I looked towards Y/n and saw her eyes slowly starting to open.

She gave me gentle smile and said in a tired voice, "Hey..."

"Hey, I'll go get the doctor." I stood up and and started to head out but before I was able to get too far, she grabbed hold of my wrist.

"No wait," she slowly let go of my hand as I sat back down, "I just wanted to say.. thank you... For saving me.. looking for me... Not giving up." She said, fiddling with the hem of the sheets.

"No problem pipsqueak, I'd do anything for you. I, I lo-" I was interrupted by a nurse coming in the room but maybe that's a good thing.. what was I planning on saying?

Do I.. love her? 

A/n: WOAHHHH I nearly dropped the L word😯😯


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