Part 11

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Y/n pov:

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Nikki, Tom's mum." She pulled away from the hug and i tried to hide my confusion. Finally? I tried not to think much of it and talk back to her.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Noone important." Tom butted in, pushing past me and standing Infront of his mum.

"Oh come on Tommy, I know who she is.." who I am?

"She's noone important."

"What about Lucy, I thou-"

"It's over between us. You'll never meet her or see her ever again." He turned to me and stared at me, angry.

"I think you should go in your room and STAY there for the rest of the night." He gave me a stern look and I rolled my eyes and smiled fakely.

"Of course." I turned to Nikki, "It was a pleasure to meet you, you all." I smiled, gave Tom a dirty look and walked out the kitchen, into my room with something on my mind.. I'm clearly not the only one with secrets.... Who is Lucy?

I had no right to question him so I pushed the thought aside, flopped on my bed and continued sketching.

Tom's pov:

I was frustrated mother mentioned Lucy. She knew we were over, why would she bring it up? Once mum made dinner we all sat at the table, everyone was chatting and smiling... everyone but me. I was angry. I sat there, silently, staring plainly at my food.

"Tom, darling, what's wrong?" I shot my eyes up, from my food to my mum.

"What's wrong?" I said angry, everyone clearly noticed as they all shot their eyes down avoiding my glare, "What's wrong is that you mentioned LUCY. After how you knew we were over. I also repeatedly told you to not mention her around me yet you still do."

"Look, Tommy I-"

"No, mum." I eruptidly stood up and stormed out the kitchen, upstairs to my office slamming the door. I sank into my seat and started to think. I felt bad. I shouldn't have shouted at my mum like that but everyone knows its a soft topic for me.

I tried to get my mind of this situation by continuing to do research on Y/n and her family. How they knew where she was and it was her.

Y/n pov:

I sat in my room, sketching continuosly as I was hungry and I couldn't go downstairs. I was worried a little. I heard a couple of shouts emerge from downstairs and, I think it was, Toms office door slam shut.

That was clearly a sign not to leave my room so that I don't trigger him any further than he already seemed to be.

I was sitting minding my own business when I heard a gentle knock on the door. I opened the door and there stood Harry. When he saw me he smiled weakly.

"Hey, what you doing here?"

"Well.. I believe you didn't have a chance to eat any food and well.. our parents left and there is some.. a lot of leftovers."

"Right. Are you sure I can leave my room?" He chuckled.

"I honestly don't think Tom will leave his room so.. you're good." I smiled softly, shut my door and followed Harry downstairs.


Harry was right. The food seemed barely touched and scrumptious so I sat down at the table and silently consumed the food thinking about this Lucy girl and Harry obviously noticed something wrong.

"Hey what's up? You're not ranting about.. anything."

"Yeh.. I umm.. something on my mind."

"Let me guess... Lucy, the one mentioned earlier?"

"Yeh.." We sat silently for a moment,

"Can you tell me who she is?"

"I mean.. you'd find out sooner or later and Tom isn't the best person to talk to about her so... Sure." I smiled cheerfully as Harry started.

"So.. Tom and her dated in the past. Tom really liked her. Like a lot. But after some time, he became suspicious of her.. she kept asking questions.. about his mob. So.. technically she was being a nosey bitch and well Tom decided to follow her and find out where.. she stays and where she goes. And well he found out she was just there to get info from him bout his mob. She didn't actually like him. She literally said that him."



"Yeh not nice is it?" We both turned around and Tom was there, leaning against the door frame.

"Tom i-"

"Save it.  She was going to find out sooner or later. Anyway I just came to get a beer." He walked across to the fridge, got the beer and started to leave again, "Bye."

When Tom left Harry and I chatted a little more. He's so nice and easy to talk to. But after some time, I started to get tired so I said goodnight to Harry and went to bed.


The next morning I woke up quite happy. Better than last night at least. I got dressed and I went downstairs to eat something. I found a little radio so I turned it on and started to dance around to the random music.

I was dancing around the kitchen like a maniac, my eyes closed, dancing to the beat until I bumped into a tall figure. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to face the person. It was Harrison.

"H-hi." I say simply.

"Morning." He walked past me and starting to make himself some food. I slowly walked back to where my food was being made and I continued to make it, calmly and quietly, without dancing.

Once I made my food, I sat down and started to eat it until Harrison came to sit next to me. NEXT TO ME. When he had the whole table to dispose himself to. I gently cleared my throat and continued to eat my food.

"Look, Tom called me last night." I looked up at him.

"He told me everything." I placed my hand on the table and took a deep breath.

"Look Harrison, I am so sorry. I never wanted things to end up li-" He put his hand on top of mine before butting in.

"Y/n. It's ok. As I said, Tom spoke to me and he is persuasive... Besides, I want my sister back." Tears started to come up into my eyes as I embraced Harrison in a tight hug.

"Thank you."

A/N: Happy New Year Everyone🎉 I hope everyone has a great year and thank you so much for 300 views. It means a lot to me.❤️

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