Part 22

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Y/n pov:

After a little persuading, I ended up going to his room.. without the ice cream. (SUCH a shame, I know.)
I glanced around his room taking in my surroundings. It was my first time in his room and well.. it's nice.
It had 4 towering grey walls surrounding the prestigious furniture. He had a very neat room, making it the total opposite as to what I expected but then again.. I don't know what I expected.

As I continued to explore the room, I heard a soft chuckle emerge from behind me making me look back at Harry leaning against a desk, smirking.

"What?" I ask in an ailing voice as I push my hair out my face.

"Nothing. You just seem very fascinated by my room."

"Well.. I've never been here before so I have the right to be."

He nodded in agreement chuckling softly before going to sit down on his bed patting the space besides him, inviting me to sit down. I accepted his humble invitation and sat down without making eye contact but continuously glaring at my fingers.

After what felt like hours but was just a couple of seconds, Harry broke the targeting silence with an awkward cough which made me look over at him and make intense eye contact. I could read the concern and confusion in his eyes as he looked at my despondent figure.

"Y/n... What happened? Why have you been crying? And why did you want to take the whole ice cream tub?"

"Harry, nothing happened. I wasn't crying. And maybe I was just hungry." I shrugged my shoulders and tried to smile but I failed miserably.

"Come on Y/n.. talk to me." Harry said grabbing hold of my hand causing me to look down at them.  But before I could answer, I switched my gaze from our hands to a random object laying in the room.

"Fine. I was really hungry."


I took a deep breath before answering, "I.. I tried to apologize to To- Thomas but he wasn't there so I went back to my room.. and umm.. when he came back I tried again and he.. be yelled at me and told me to fuck off and that I might as well move out."  I said, mimicking him in the last fragments of my mini anecdote.

I stayed silent for a moment, allowing Harry to take everything in, and after a moment he broke the silence, "Y/n, I - I'm sorry that that happened to you but..I'm sure he didn't mean it. He was.. probably drunk."

"And? What does that change? Alcohol usually makes me people speak the truth. And as far as I'm concerned, Thomas has some logic and wouldn't drink til he can't remember anything. He's a fucking mob leader."

He stayed silent for a little while until he decided to finally reply, "I see there's no way I can convince you to stay.."


"..So I'll help you. What's your plan?" Wow. That was easier than I thought.

"I.. umm... Want to move back.. to Amy and Sophie.. return to my previous life."

He stayed silent for a little while, probably thinking very thing through, until he finally made eye contact with me and replied to me, "Where do we start?"


We spent the next couple of hours packing my stuff. Harry was more than happy to help and supported me throughout the procedure.
I also contacted Amy and Sophie. The two of them were glad to take me back as they kept my room empty, not taking anyone new to split the rent with. I also found out that over the time that I was gone, Amy got herself a boyfriend and Sophie has been third wheeling. Poor thing.

I was planning on leaving first thing in the morning so I was doing my best to pack everything immediately so I don't have to return for my other luggage. Harry fully understood my query with my coming back here so he respected me and offered to return for the rest of my bags alone.

I got a couple hours of sleep that night, maybe 2 or 3, before it was 7am and I had to begin getting ready. I ate a quick and small breakfast as I was too excited and worried for what was too happen when I returned to my friends. How would they take me in?
Will I have to explain what happened? Why i was gone?
The wicked thoughts consumed my mind until it was finally time to leave. Harry came into my now empty room and told me it was time to go. It was about.. 8:30am and I, luckily, haven't came across Thomas.. yet and I was hoping I wouldn't.

Luckily, I managed to get out the house without seeing him which I found a little weird since he is always around but i thought little about it. The journey to my apartment was about 15 minutes so me and Harry just listened to songs on the way.

When we arrived, Amy and Sophie we already waiting for me outside the door and as soon as they saw me they embraced me in a warming hug.

"We've missed you." They said while we hugged and I replied with the same words as we pulled away.

"So, you have some explaining to do young lady." Sophie laughed before whispering not so quietly, "You left me alone with her. " She said gesturing to the whole of Amy making me laugh a little.

"I'll explain it all soon. I promise. I just need some time." They knodded sympathetically before they turned to Harry which was jogging towards us with my bags in his hands.

"You planning on taking these?"

"Nah, you look like you're managing." He dropped all my bags on the ground.

"Rude." He just smirked before making eye contact with Sophie. I and Amy exchanged some smirks before breaking their eye contact.

"Amy, Sophie. This is Harry. Harry, these are my friends, Amy and Sophie." Amy muttered hi but Harry was too preoccupied with Sophie leaving the two of us in an uncomfortable situation.

"Okayy.. should we head upstairs then?" The two of them broke their eye contact and turned away blushing. How cute.
We all grabbed some bags each and made our way to our apartment.

A/n: Soo.. what do you guys think? I know you wanted Y/n and Harry together and I was going to make it happen but.. I failed😂 NO WORRIES THOUGH I've got a plan

*Evil laughter*

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