Part 32

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A/n: Happy late Easter🐣✝️ sorry I didn't update in the last 5 days, I was spending time with family as Easter is a big deal for my family. But.. ENJOY THE CHAPTER😁😁

Tom's pov:

Y/n's been stuck in the hospital for the past 5 days. She has stay to make sure her healing process went successfully and she was leaving today.

I've been with her for most of the time but the subject of what I was about to say never came up, she probably didn't even realize; she probably didn't even hear. And not like she could do much talking as her vocal chords were damaged and she has to rest her voice.  We've agreed on the fact that she should come to the Holland mansion, just for a short time. We've agreed on a max of 5 nights as she was still slightly lightheaded and we were able to provide essential hospital equipment.

Once we arrived back at the mansion, I led her to her old room. It was filled with a couple hospital stuff we were told she'd need to, quite literally, survive.

As she entered the room, she traces her fingers over the old furniture until she turned to me and gave a soft smile.

"I umm.." I ran my hand through my hair before continuing, "I'll have... Someone come in here and check on you 4 times a day.. umm... You can go around the house but someone will have to be with you.."

"Who? Will it be you?" She whispered with a chafe voice.

"I-i wish it could but I have something to deal with."

"Let me guess.. Lucy?"

"Yeh.."  We stood in the silence for a short while before Y/n decided to speak,

"Can I be there? When you kill her?"

"Kill her? Where'd you get that-"

"Tom I know I got shot, tortured and abused by that doesn't make me naive. I know what you're planning on doing. Besides, I heard your phone calls in the hospital."


*awkward silence*

"So... When are you going to.. take care of her." I was going to do it as soon as I left Y/n but she seemed desperate and shaken at the same time; it looks like she needs time to comprehend the idea of being there when I kill her and get back into her old habitat so I lied.

"I was.. umm.. later today.. I haven't got a certain time but when time comes, I'll come and get you."

"Okay.." she whispered looking down at her feet, "What are you going to do before..."

"Umm.. probably just.. shower.. and stuff."



I coughed interrupting the once again occuring awkward silence which made Y/n shuffle around her room a little.

"I'm gonna go now.."


As I walked out and was about to shut the door behind me, Y/n called my name. I reopened the door so that Y/n knew she had my attention and said a timid, "thank you".

I gave her a soft and genuine smile and walked out heading to my room.

That was the most awkward conversation I've ever had.

Y/n pov:

I spent the next couple hours just aimlessly walking around my room. I took a shower but I felt a little sore with all the cuts and bruises so it was a short one. 

Out of boredom, in the end, I decided to go to library that was on the 3rd floor along with my 'bodyguard' or as I liked to call him, Harry.

He didn't seem to mind having to hang out with me all the time and I must confess I enjoyed myself. He told me that Sophie and Amy were worried about me and couldn't wait for me to return home. He apologized in their name that they didn't come to see me but I understood that Tom put high security up so that noone unauthorised could enter so I didn't take it personally.  But other than that, we just talked about random things.

I was sitting on the floor, back leaning against the wall while my mind was deeply focused on the book. Harry was sitting on a chair not too far away from me texting someone and I've come to believe was Sophie as he was smiling from ear to ear.

It was nice and calm, I was enjoying the quiet atmosphere until Sam walked into the library taking my attention of the book.

"Y/n? It's time."


Sam led me to the basement; he took me down a corridor I've never seen before and it made a shiver run up my spine. I don't know what it was, fear or the fact it was cold as fuck. (I wrote duck.. AGAIN)

Sam opened the door for me and as I entered I was greeted by Tom and a not so good looking Lucy.

And when I say that, I mean she looks clearly underfed and pale. Blood trickled from her nose and she was tied to a chair. At her sight, I simply smirked and walked over to Tom.

I looked at him with a raised an eye brow while still smirking, "Did you punch her?"

"Maybe." He replied smirking back.

"He done more than you did." I looked over at Lucy and gave her a death stare.

"Bitch I shot you!" I heard Tom and San chuckle at my outburst while I just rolled my eyes and turned back to Tom, "Just get it over and done with."

"You're keen to be rid of her."

"She's a bitch that held me hostage, tortured and shot me. I think I have the right to want her dead."

"Well Y/n, that's no way to show you're jealously towards me!" I quickly turned to face her and she had a wicked smirk playing on her lips, "Not like you would've done anything to me without that gun of yours. I mean... You're a bit useless.. you have no skills.. no nothing. You are nothing."

My breathing became heavy at her words and I could feel my face heat up, anger was burning up within me as I dug my nails into my palms trying to calm myself down.

I shot Tom a glare and nodded at him which he returned before picking up his gun, aiming it at Lucy's head and releasing the safety.

"Any last words?" I scoffed at Tom's words and shook my head, really? Any last words? Bit ironic.

"Well, as you permit me.. Fuck you Y/n. You're a useless bitch that doesn't deserve to be lo-" Her irritating voice was cut of by the piercing sound of a gun shot.

She's dead.

I stared at her lifeless body for what felt like eternity. Fresh blood emerged from her sculp down her face falling onto her clothes but it wasn't that long before I felt two great muscular arms enrapture me in a warm hug. It didn't take me long to hug back knowing that it was Tom but the image of her body and what she said was still running through my mind.. 

A/n: Yayyy the bitch is dead🎉 let's celebrate 😁

So.. how's everyone doing? Hope you all doing great and if you guys wanna talk cuz there is nothing better to do right now, text me on my Instagram •tom1996stories

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