48| America.

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48| America.

I could feel light fall and reflect in the room yet I was too tired and lazy to begin with the day. It had been a week but still my body wasn't in routine with the time, with the weather, moreover, I was too occupied with my online clients that I had no energy to spare for it.

I assumed it must be early morning as I still felt Arsalan on the bed because he was an early riser but to my surprise I opened my eyes to late afternoon.

"I'm sorry." I murmured to Arsalan in a sleepy, panicked voice. "I did not realise it's time." He was sitting next to me with his laptop. "Aadya?" I asked in a worry.

"She is sleeping." Arsalan told me in a mellow voice. "You can sleep more." He smiled and all of its warmth reached my heart.

I couldn't shut my eyes but look at him, he seemed to be at peace after so long, his face had a glow, his eyes finally had his energy and his share of happiness. It felt good to see him like this.

He peeked at me after a few seconds all amused when he noticed that I had not slept but had been staring.

"I really like you." He whispered and I inched closer to him and wrapped my hand around his waist. "But I want you to love me." I demanded, my lips turned into a pout. I hid my face into his arm as light fell on my cheeks.

He pushed the hair on my eyes behind, delicately touching my skin. "You know, you the only woman I have ever loved." His lips touched my neck as he spoke, it tingled.

His fingers found their way into my hair as he nibbled onto my neck very sweetly and teasingly. It felt nice to be cherished with so much of gentleness and respect. Arsalan never ever tried to touch me without my permission even when he knew I was crazy for him, not even today when I was his wife. He still gave me my time and space, everytime when his hand would find my body he would seek my assent before pressing onto it. I like it this way, it made me more comfortable, it let me recreate my mind and know whether I appreciate it or not, whether I want to do it or not.

His ways were different, sometimes he wouldn't kiss, he wouldn't suck but he would just keep his lips on my skin and brush against it all over. It consumed me more as his stubble tickled me.

"Hmm?" Arsalan hummed insisting for a reply. I noticed Arsalan liked talking, he wouldn't get pleased if I quietly let him feel me, rather he would want me to speak, be it be anything, he would kiss me and talk simultaneously about his day at work or how he loved me.

His fingers slipped to intertwine with mine as he looked up at me when I still didn't say anything. I was too joyful to.

"Not liking it?" He sort of complained. It was so mesmerizing to see him look cute because Arsalan could look bossy, he could look angry, he could look at peace, he could look happy but it was so rare when he looked cute.

I shook my head, pressing my lips at his. "Was wondering if you ever loved a man if I'm the only woman?" I wanted it to be silly because he said that was the one of the main thing he liked that I wasn't stupid.

"Too smart?" He scrunched his eyes, biting the tip of my nose lightly. He would do that, he would touch me any where but not my lips.

I neither understood his theory nor did I like it. I paused him and kissed his lips again more evidently. "You want me to do this?" He admitted with a chuckle and nibbled at my cheek.

"No, enjoy your work instead." He giggled as I got irked and pushed him back. He did not try again and sat with his laptop. He was so annoying.

"You still here though?" I talked as I moved into my daily mood. "Yes. Five minutes more, I'll shower and leave. The meeting is at three." He answered while typing.

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