Chapter 1: The Pink Envelope

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*Edited, May 12 2021

Mason Harper

"Why can't you come to Kevin's party with me again?" My best friend Eleanor whined for the tenth time this morning. All through the car ride to Quincy high school, Eleanor, has been going on about this party next Saturday.

Now i am definitely not the party type, which is exactly why  she wants me to go, to make sure she does not end up stripping naked again and dancing on the pool table. Which as harsh as it may seem, serves her right for not being able to limit her alcohol intake.

I honestly wonder why I am still friends with her dumb ass, she is always trying to drag me to every possible event.

"That is because, I simply do not want to go with you Ellie" I answer lazily as we reach my locker.

"Come on! It's going to be fun Mase!" She attempts to persuade me once again, as i simply roll my eyes at her antics.

"What's going to be fun?" The voice of my male best friend questions as he approached us from behind, yes i have two best friends, deal with it.

As he approaches he swiftly swings his long arms around both of our shoulders, almost crushing us with his height of 6'2.

"Get your nasty hands off me, I don't know how many STD's your carrying" I tell the hurt looking blonde, as i roughly shove his arms off me, mimicking a disgusted facial expression.

"For your information I don't have any STD's", Jason answers with slight irritation to his voice, crossing his arms across his chest in a childish manner.

"You sure about that buddy?"I sarcastically reply.

" Why you little-" Jason begins to say while trying to lunge at me, causing a roar of laughter to erupt from my lips, but is soon cut off my Ellie's stern voice.

"Guys! You can flirt later but are you guys going to the party or not?", She asks the two of us, ignoring the sharp glare Jason is throwing my way.

" Yeah I'm down for a party" Jason unsurprisingly agrees, lets be honest Jason would have probably gone to the party regardless, our choices did not really affect his decision, but lets act like they do.

" Your down for anything Jason" I mumbled under my breath, still loud enough for Jason to pick up on my words.

"Well can you blame me? I heard Madison will be there" , he replies wiggling his eyebrows, making hand gestures, leaving the disturbing image of Madison and him doing god knows what.

"Plus I haven't had some action in a week" Ellie also adds, in reminding me that she's just as much of a horn dog as Jason, why am i friends with them again?

"I still do not understand how your lack of intercourse this week affects me." I dumbfound as I lean against my locker, looking at the two imbeciles i call my best friends.

"Well if we don't get laid this weekend, we'll probably annoy you a lot next week." Ellie begins to explain.

"However if you go to the party and we do get laid, then we are able to function to the best of our abilities" Jason simultaneously finishes. |" That and i'm tired of using the janitors closet."

"How did I become friends with the nastiest people In this school?"I rhetorically ask out loud, as a series of protests are shot my way. Ignoring them I turn to open my locker because I know if I'm late, I am most definitely dead.

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