Chapter 18

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This Chapter is dedicated to the most amazing fans ever

Nadiyah Roseine

I watched closely and Mason went towards the DJ stand and requested a song, still a bit shocked that Mason is the one who even suggested doing karaoke like, why would he want to get embarrassed by me of all people.

Mason's lean physic struts confidently towards me as I remain very wary of the situation at hand, i've already concluded that there's just about every person who goes to our school here, not to mention the other school students. Thus if we get up there and make complete fools of ourselves this is ninety nine percent going to go viral, but you know.

No pressure.

"Princess" my head snaps up at the sound of Mason's voice, as he takes in my very worried and anxious demeanor.

"Look Princess stop worrying that pretty little head of yours, it's going to be fine just follow me okay?" Mason's smooth voice tries to calm me down but this time fails to ease my nerves completely, i mean there's like 400 people here!

Gosh i might puke, why did i even agree to this? it was those goddamn eyes! Curse his beautiful grey eyes!

"Mason i really do not think that this is a good id-" My small voice began to rush out, only to be cut off by the greek gods words.

"Can't hear you songs starting"he simply replies with a giddy grin, sure enough the music begins to play, and the a familiar beat of Dance to this by Ariana Grande and Try Svian flows through the tightly packed living room.

A/N: the video is very similar to what i picture happening just with more people in the room and more party vibe going, but as for the dancing and voices this is exactly how i see it!

Young ambition
Say we'll go slow but we never do

Mason's soft but masculine voice fills my ears, as the sweet lyrics fill my ears, as his cloudy eyes glance at me.

See me spendin' every night with youOh, yeah, under the kitchen lights
You still look like dynamite
And I wanna end up on you

His body softly sway's across the room, as he allows his voice to gently serenade us, hitting every note perfectly. Leaving the guys shocked and the girls star struck.

Oh, don't need no place to go

Just put on the radio

You know what I wanna do

It feels as if i'm the only person in the room as the weight of his intense gaze settles on me, as if i was the only person that matters

The music stops, only for him to let out a jaw dropping smile my way before the beat quickly pick up again.

We can just dance to this
Don't take much to start me
We can just dance to this
Push up on my body, yeah

The crowd is beginning to form around as as Mason swiftly places a mic in my hand, while dancing around me in circles.

You know we've already seen all of the parties
We can just dance to this
We can just, we can just

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