Chapter 29

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Warning Mature language and verbal abuse ahead

Mason Harper

"Nadiyah!" I exclaim as I weave my way through the mass of bodies to reach the raven haired girl.

It was currently the end of the school day, and surprisingly enough i had not gotten to speak to Nadiayh since yesterday evening, when i had dropped her off at her house.

"Oh, Hey Mase i haven't seen you all day!" Nadiyah says as she glances towards me, a bit shocked by my sudden appearance.

Catching my breath, we fall into a comfortable walk towards the school exit.

"Aw did somebody miss me" I reply with a teasing tone, making sure to rub my shoulder against hers to get my point across.

"Not even in the slightest Harper" Nadiyah answers, glancing at me with a playful glare, noticing the small smile she is trying to hold back.

" I know you did Princess, who wouldn't miss all of this?" i question her as i begin to fake flex in front of her.

This causes a bubble of laughter to erupt from Nadiyah's lips, as a soft smile graces her lips.

I missed this.

"Aside from my good looks, i actually wanted to talk to you about something" I say as we, reach the huge fire hydrant red doors. Pulling it open i allow gesture for Nadiayh to go first, earning a small thank you from her.

Walking out of the building, she turns towards me with a confused face.

"Oh? Um talk to me about what?" she questions, nervously biting down on her lip.

Upon her seemingly worried expression i let out a small chuckle, "Nothing bad Princess relax, i wanted to ask if we could work on the project today?"

I watch her face contort from one of confusion to realization, it was kind of amusing.

To be completely honest, i didn't really want to do the project. I could care less if i failed one English project.

Like i speak English, I write in English and I read in English. What exactly am I learning?

I just wanted to spend a bit of time with Naddie, i liked her company.

You mean you like her

Potato potatoe, same difference.

"Oh yeah sure! should we do it your house?" Nadiyah asks bringing me out of my train of thought.

I am about to answer yes but then i'm stopped by a thought that pops into my head, today's Wednesday and that means Dads day.

For those of you who are confused let me break it down for you.

Ever since my mum was hospitalized, my dad created Dads day.

What is that you may question? Well my father is a busy man constantly doing work and on top of that raising Sophie and I all by himself.

This every Wednesday, since it's his only free day off he literally ban's Sophie and I from the house until after dinner.

Sophie Usually goes to her best friends house while, hang out with Jason and Ellie but today Jason is with Melody * que the eye roll* and Eleanor is... Um jeez God knows where Ellie honestly is.

"Sorry Princess, My dad has basically kicked me out of the house till eight. Why don't we do it at your place?" I reason with her.

However i pay attention to how her face, slightly grimaces at the mention of working at her house.

Love, NadiyahWhere stories live. Discover now