Chapter 3: Dating?

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*Edited, July 12 2021

Mason Harper

"She kissed my cheek" I correct Eleanor.

"Same difference" she replies as she puts another chip in her mouth.

I watch annoyed as Eleanor shoots me a nonchalant smile, bits of crisps spilling  from the corners of her lips.

I swear this girl could live off lays if she wanted to, she eats them like she's going to die any second.

"Well not to me" I reply " I have to clear this up before it spreads"I say running my hand through my dark mane.

How could this have spread so quickly throughout the school?

It hadn't even been a full thirty minutes since it happened and now I'm  being told that I am supposedly dating someone.

Not someone, Madison-freaking-Montez.

Don't highschool folks have nothing better to do than spread rumor's about people??

"It might be a bit too late for that, I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire school knows, even the staff " Ellie comments offhandedly, still chewing obnoxiously loud on her chips.

Jesus christ, even the faculty!?

"Well I'm still going to bed her, wether you're dating her or not"Jason huffs as he takes a bite out of his Chicken sandwich.

He looks more like a four year old child sulking than the big scary, smooth talking man whore he is.

"First and fore most lets get something straight, I am not dating her and secondly what you want to do with the female population of this school in absolutely non of my business, nor do I want to know Jason." I reply in an annoyed huff.

" Man, I don't understand why you're so pussy over this. It's not like she'sugly plus any other guy would kill for a rumour like this to go around"Jason explains. "I mean damn if it were me I would bask in that type of drama for as long as I could"

Its truly not the worst rumor to go around I mean it could have been worse, it could have been that I'm a grass worshipping monk who sits in the dark for days on end.

Or something equally as crazy and spontaneous like that, honestly these people would  believe anything, I wouldn't be surprised if this was an actual rumor.

" But she's like literally the devil I don't understand why guys even like her!" Ellie comments while picking up another bag of lays.


" She's not the devil Ellie" I try to defend knowing I'm about to get an earful seeing as to how opinionated Ellie is.

"She trashed Kylie's car because she said she has a crush on Zack McGregor's"Eleanor dumbfounded

"Maybe she was having a bad day"I try to reason fully aware of the fact that, that wasn't the case.

"She's borderline C-R-A-Z-Y"Eleanor huffs.

"Hope she's crazy in bed too"Jace comments wiggling his eyebrows

" Of course your nasty head has to say that" Ellie remarks

"I'm intitled to a comment, I have freedom of speech" Jace pouts towards Ellie

" Not when you're a walking STD" she mutter's

Oh no. This is about to get ugly

" Mason can call me that cause he's a virgin but you sleep with just as many guys as I do girls so your one too" Jason shoots back

" I do not sleep with as many girls as you sleep with guys cause that would mean I'm a whore and I ain't. " Eleanor snaps at Jace

" Oh so I am? Funny well if it's so then your a slut." Jason replies folding his arms over his chest

" Take that back! "Ellie exclaims

"No." Jace says firmly

"Jason Carter take that back!"Eleanor practically screams

" Your a slut and a whore period" Jason nonchalantly answers

Noticing that their gaining some attention I slowly back up and leave them to fight it out.

They'll be back to normal by Saturday, looking at my phone I realize I have a little over ten minutes before lunch ends.

Opting to go get my books early I head for my locker.

as I start to begin to near it, I notice the familiar petite figure of the dark haired girl I met this morning.

Except this time she had herself seated on the floor right in font of my locker.

Walking towards her I stopped right in font of her hunched frame as I realized she was reading a novel while nibbling on an apple.

Letting her realize it was me I watched her face grow from confusion to realization to terrified all in one second.

Her beautiful dark brown eyes traveled up my body to meet my own greyish-green ones.

"What are you doing in front of my locker?" I ask the mysterious girl.

Her mouth opens and closes like a fish as she fails to explain herself. At the scene due to my amusement a smirk grace's my lips.

"Well do you mind moving so I can get my books" I ask again only this time my question seems to jolt her out of whatever trance she's in.

"Right! Oh my gosh sorry!" She quickly scrambles to her feet and ends up hitting her head in the process.

"Ugh" her voice comes out as a small whimper,as for me I try to keep in my laugher.

Which is providing to be a hard task as she tries to balance the apple in her mouth with a bunch of books in her hands as well as cradle her head.

"Are you okay?" I ask sniffling a laugh as she tries to manage herself.

"Mm hmm" she manages to get out as she's still holding the apple in her mouth.

"You sure?" I ask again trying to make sure

" Mm hmm! Bye! " And with that she bolts down the halls in a hurried mess.

Now that was interesting.

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