Chapter 38

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Dear Mason,

What in gods name are you doing?

I saw you, a lack of better words I was watching you. But not in the creepy I want to murder you type way no no.

I was simply observing, but this is not about what I was doing Mason.

This is about what I saw, how you acted or reacted rather. Though I do not know what caused this nor what you talked about I do know it couldn't have been anything good.

The way your hands roughly tugged on your hair pulling on it painfully hard.

The way your fist slammed down on the wooden table in your kitchen, most likely causing a crack.

The way you sent a chilling glare towards Eleanor who was clearly only trying to help you.

Calm you down, in its own sense taming the beast.

It made me wonder what exactly could have happened in the Harper household that could have caused such an uproar on a usually quiet Sunday morning.

What had disturbed the peace? Or in this case more like who?

Anyways this was not my place to give my thought's, I had simply wanted to tell you you need to start closing your curtains.

You never know what ppl might see.



Love, NadiyahWhere stories live. Discover now