Chapter 44

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Dear Mason,

It came as a surprise when I found this letter placed in your locker waiting for me.

I had never expected you to ever write back, hell I wasn't even sure if you were reading these but instead throwing them away.

But I with you I have learn to always expect the unexpected. For you will surely give me a run for my money.

To answer you on your question of me wanting this,us to work. How i could get that by simply telling you my name, trust me Mason that its not that simple.

For I had already tried an flailed, so why break my heart further.

These letter's, I see now were my last resort, but even now I see that we can't change fate.

But things that aren't meant to be are meant to stay that way, let bygones be bygones.

For you can't unbreak an already broken glass.

But you're right about one thing I don't want to keep hiding behind a piece of pen and paper.

And I fear now that these letter's, these god forsaken letter's have created an even larger mess than before.

I shouldn't have started writing then to begin with, nor should I have continued to.

I had already gone down this path, I already knew how this chapter ended, and trust me it is not an ending neither you or I would want to experience again.

I'm sorry for the headache and turmoil I have caused, it wasn't my intention Mase, believe me.

But as always I do more bad than good, live your life my love. Chase your dreams, your goals and embrace your opportunities.

Be free to go after whatever you want and whoever you want, for you are your only limit.

I'm sorry I can't give you what you, but trust me its for the better.

Goodbye Mason


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