Chapter 37

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Mason Harper

My head hurts.

Hands bleeding from the shreds of glass that had pierced my skin.

I was shaking in anger.

Not at her but I myself, Nadiyah was simply a victim in this cruel game.

"Mason Harper what the hell did you say to Nadiyah!" Eleanor's Voice pierces through the chaos brewing in my head .

"The truth." I curtly answer.

I know that was a lie in itself. I didn't tell Nadiyah the truth, well at least not the whole of it.

I failed to explain the most critical detail. The letters.

"Mason that girl likes you! And you like her too I can't understand for the life of me why you are pushing her away!" Jason exclaims clearly frustrated with me.

My face heats up from all the adrenaline rushing through my veins, as a disapproving sarcastic chuckle bubbles past my lips.

"You don't the slightest fucking idea of what you're talking about." I spit our harshly towards Jase.

Just about done with this conversation I head over to the door ready to make an exit when a harsh stinging sensation shoots through my cheek.

Forcing my head to turn left due to the shock and force of the hit.


I force my face forward to meet Ellie's blazing blue eye's.

"Gosh! Don't you see how stupid you sound? She ran out of here crying Mason and all you can give is a half ass excuse as to why I don't understand?" Eleanor says staring at me in disbelief.

"You don't under-" I begin once again only to be cut off this time by Jason.

"Then make us understand Mase! We can't help you if you aren't willing to tell us what's going on." He concludes coming to my side as he places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Sighing to myself, I rub the bridge of my nose in frustration.

I knew I would have to tell them sooner or later, we've been best friends since diapers of course they would not accept my run around answers.

But I knew that I didn't want to face them when they realized I liked a complete stranger.

I didn't want them to look at me like I was crazy, or with pity at the fact that I had a whole girl wanting to be with me, a girl that any parent would love and any boy would be lucky to date, she was here pinning after me.

While I was stopping myself from being with her all because some random person who left a note in my locker said they've been in love with me for the past 10 years.

It was pathetic, I was pathetic.

But I was the truth.

There was nothing special about her letters per say. Nothing that could make a person jump the gun as I did and go in full force falling for a total stranger.

We weren't sending letters back and forth. We weren't conversing. All I knew was that this person knew me more than I knew myself and that in itself is what drew me to them.

Maybe I was attracted to the mystery of it all, the thrill of wondering who was it?

Or maybe I was just being a coward unable to hit the nail on its head. I was comforted by the fact someone paid this much attention to me, notices the smallest details about me. The things that no other person saw.

Did it make me weird?

For loving and craving the fact that somebody other than my usual family and friends cared about me?

As I sat in my kitchen explaining every detail of how today came to be, starting from the first letter to how Nadiyah ended up at my house.

I realized that this situation was bigger than I had let on.

And I knew the moment I had finished telling my two closest friends every tiny little detail of what had been happening in the background these past three months.

When I stopped talking and looked to them, when their gazes met mine.

I knew they had realized it too, and it was in that moment that we all silently agreed, that I needed to figure out who exactly was behind the letters.

Because sooner or later, they'd be the exact things that tormented me for the rest of my life.

This needed to end.


Hello everybody!!! Yes I'm back and slightly better!

Of course I know y'all could care less but honestly I missed writing. A lot has changed these past few month's.

I know I said j wouldn't be continuing the book but ugh I couldn't leave you all without a proper good bye to love Nadiyah.

At least not when I had all my chapter notes written out and ready to be read!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, it was a bit hard writing it though shorter than usual but don't worry many more chapters coming up ahead!

Make sure you all Vote and comment! To show your amazing love and support!

Also you can follow my watt pad account to get news on the book!

And yeah stay amazing I love you all❤❤❤❤


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