Chapter 35

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.This is the longest chapter in the book! Super juicy and I hope y'all like it! Pleas e don't cone for me in the comments

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Nadiyah Roseine

The party was in full swing by the time the girls and I had arrived.

As I lazily hold the red solo cup in my hand I scan the slight empty kitchen looking for another drink.

As I tug down on the sleeves of my black long sleeve shirt.

Of course the two goddesses I had arrived with ditched me the moment they found their boyfriends leaving me to fend for myself.

However I had surprisingly not found myself uncomfortable with the mass of strangers surrounding me.

That could also be argued by the slight buzz I had acquired in my system from the liquid courage I had so eagerly drowned myself in.

Maybe my willingness to drink came from the not so nice message I had received from my "brother" before coming here.

Maybe all I wanted was to forget it for a little while, a need to escape reality.

Although my route to escape had lead me to another problem, Mason.

I just can't seem to get him off my mind lately, I'm not so sure why.

Yes I understand that him and I have only known each other for a little over 5 months but I've grown so attached to him.

I might even have feelings for him? I don't know I'm not so sure anymore.

All this thinking is making me dizzy and my head hurt.

Soon enough my feet carried me outside in a fluid motion. Dodging the never ending bodies of drunk and high teens.

As the cold breeze nipped my skin I mindlessly scanned the neighborhood, relishing in the familiarity of it.

Soon enough before my mind could process, my feet began to move in the direction of my hearts desire.

Mason's home.


Mason Harper

"Are you sure you guys are good Mason? I could cancel if you need me to " I hear my fathers worried voice ask through the phone.

I had been sitting on the bar stool when he called, munching on a bowl of Cheerios.

That was almost twenty minutes ago, he's been asking me the same thing. 'If we're fine' or 'do I need help' etc etc.

"Yeah dad we're good don't stress"I answer back lazily twirling my fork in the bowl of now soggy cereal.

"Is your sister asleep yet? Did she give you any trouble?"he questions.

"Nope and yes she's asleep, went to bed by 9pm." I reply finally getting up to throw away my cereal.

Sigh guess we're going to have to find something else to eat.

"Okay just stay safe okay Mason? I love you guys." He says as concern still laces his voice.

I don't understand why he's still worried, I can hold my own for a little while I won't die, we're not toddlers anymore.

Parents are seriously wayyy too overprotective sometimes, the need to loosen the hold a bit you know?

"Yeah, Okay dad I will, love you too good night." I tell him as a quickly hang up.

Love, NadiyahWhere stories live. Discover now