Chapter 43

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Nadiyah's Pov

Dragging my feet against the side walk I make my way down the block, making my walk as long as possible not wanting to go home just yet.

I was still muling over Madison's words, the pain of Mason's betrayal still fresh on my mind.

How can you trust the words she say's? Last time she talked to you Mason had come telling you she was lying.

So what'd the difference now?

I knew I couldn't fully trust Maddie's words as she had given me no reason to, to begin with.

But it was hard not to.

Who else would have told her about my adoption?

About how my birth parents kicked my out to the curb?

No one but him knew that information, who else could have told her?

But you know Mason would never do that to you

I wanted to believe that, but I was scared to admit that I didn't know Mason as well as I thought I had.

Sighing to myself I shove my hands in the pockets of my jacket hoping to gain some type of warmth in the chilly November air.

How much time had past.

I had only started talking to Mason In August but our time both together and apart had felt like a lifetime in itself.

It was crazy, how a person you used to tell your whole life to could become a mere stranger in a matter of weeks, months even.

The loud Blair of my ringtone, Runner by Tennis, cut through the calm silence that had surrounded me.

Not bothering to check the caller id I answered, to be instantly greeted by the loud frantic voice of Melody.

"Oh my gosh Naddie! I'm so sorry I left you at school! I know I promised to drop you home but mother nature decided to visit during six period and Jase insisted that I skip and go home. I told myself I'd text you right when I got home but once my bed hit my pillow I was out like a light! I only just woke up a few minutes ago." She explains frantically in one go.

"it's fine Mello don't stress about it" I say calmly, honestly between battling my feelings about Mason and Madison and I's conversation I had completely forgotten Melody was supposed to drop me home.

To a certain degree I was happy she couldn't drop me off. After the day I've had the last thing I needed was her trying to get answers out if me as to why I had been crying and what Madison had said to me.

"I'm still super sorry, as your best friend I should have told you sooner" she says, I can almost see her pouting knowing how guilty she must feel.

If only she knew she did me a favor.

"Honestly Mello its nothing to be sorry over I get it, plus I kinda wanted to walk home anyways." I reply to her adding a small chuckle at the end for good measure.

"Okay if you're sure... But let me make it up to you, you can come over tomorrow since its Friday and spend the weekend watching romance movies and eating junk food since you're also on your periods" She explains excitedly.

As I slow down my pace, waiting for the sign to turn green allowing me to cross the road.

"Sure Mello, but I'm not on my period's" I say as I begin to hurriedly cross the road.

"Wait what? How? You always start three days before me. Then we spend at least a day together or two on it together before you stop." she says as I look up to the quickly darkening sky.

"You keep tabs on my menstrual cycle?" I ask playfully as she starts stuttering that its not what I think.

" No I use you as a tracker so I know when I get mine. Maybe you're just late" She states as I reach an unexpected destination.

"Maybe." I sate back, but we both knew that was a lie. I was never late, i had an unusually accurate and regular cycle.

That's the sole reason why Mello had chosen to use me as a tracker for hers, but we both ignored that fact.

Maybe it was late, with the amount of stress i had gone through this last month that wouldn't be a far fetched idea, plus there was always a first time for everything.

Saying goodbye to Melody and promising to call her back once I got home. I forced myself into the drug store.

Immediately heading for the feminine hygiene aisle I passes the menstruation items only to stop a few places down at an unfamiliar section, pregnancy tests.

I would only get it as a precautionary measure, it was always helpful to prepare for everything.

deciding to get three I quickly grabbed the boxes and checked them out. Averting the scornful gaze of the elderly cashier lady.

I stuffed them in my back pack and rushed home, praying to god and all things above,

That I was just late.

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