Chapter 6: Family Ties

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Chapter 5 and 6 were merged into one so don't worry

Nadiyah's Pov

I stood quietly listening to Mason's car slowly drift into the distance, until I could no longer hear  the soft hum of the engine.

In that moment I could finally release the deep breath I had unconsciously been holding. As my hands anxiously continued to fiddle with my keys.

It was late afternoon, the sun was starting to set and I could see the beautiful golden rays brush against the rooftops of the houses in my neighborhood this was golden hour. I took a small blissful moment to just listen to the birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees all in all preparing for the darkness I would encounter within those four walls.

Sighing to  myself, I quit playing with my house keys, now turning to actually open the cream colored door. I try my best to not to make any loud sounds as I gently close the door behind me.

Quietly I begin taking small calculated steps making my way towards the staircase leading up to my bedroom.

"Oh sweetie you're back!" Frozen in place fear rattles my bones as the sickly sweet voice greats me, a billion questions fill my head at once as I try to piece together why she was here in the first place, she wasn't meant to be home right now. It was only  four o'clock.

Slowly I turn, instantly met with a familiar set of cold brown eyes that mirrored my own. Quickly I drop my gaze down, reminding myself of my place. Taking in another deep breath to try and calm my nerves. I couldn't afford to piss her off.

"Y-yes I am"

I watch her eyes drag down my clothed body, a look of disgust forming on her face. Closing my eye's I prepare for the words I have heard over a thousand times in my life time.

"You still have that stupid stutter, have you not been going for your speech therapy classes?" She snaps. I choose to stay silent knowing that if I speak my voice will betray me.

I can feel her eyes land back on my face leaving a trail of heat down my body,  " You're still as skinny as a stick too."

"I've been eating-g the foods on the d-diet you sent me" I pipe up, my voice as small as a mouse I can't even recognize it as my own hoping that this small bit of information would satisfy her.

I have followed each and every diet she has ever sent me religiously since the age of 8. My mother was a curvy woman large wide hips and a big bust with dark chocolate skin and I, was the exact opposite with a small petite figure and light honey brown skin.

"Clearly not enough." She concludes, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she takes another once over of me. Shaking her head she turns on her heels and walks into the dining room "Come come I made dinner." she usher's me into our small dinning room where I'm met with the rest of my family.

To the normal eye we seem like the perfect family, my mom's overly happy attitude, my brothers kind smile, my grandparents sweet innocent looks, except i'm adopted.

When in reality that's not it, growing up I never had a 'normal' childhood my father used to abuse my mom and I a lot. We used to have little to nothing to eat on most days but to me it was enough cause I had a loving mother and that's what mattered, at least then.

Everything changed when mum got the chance to go on a vacation to hawii, I was allowed to live with my Aunt and Uncle and they spoiled me rotten, a few years later my brother followed mum. To me they were making money, living the dream and making a better life for them and me.

I don't exactly know what happened but when mother came back 7 years later my brother not to far behind they weren't the same.

I became the problem of the house, I wasn't dressed proper, my English wasn't up to par, I slouched too much, I looked too skinny,I was dumb, I cost a lot of money etc etc etc

What hurt the most was my Aunt and Uncle just watched from the sidelines sometimes even adding a bit of input, a bit of gasoline to the fire.

It became very clear  that to them I wasn't enough anymore. To all of them, I was an inconvenience in their lives and they were just waiting for me to fail to find a reason to cut me off.

" How was school honey?" My mother's voice asked in fake interest, I could see it in her eyes.

"It was fine" my voice whispered back, loud enough for them to hear.

"Are those kids still bullying you about your weight? You know their right." She began speaking, I already knew this conversation.

At an early age I had made the mistake of trusting her with my problems at the time only for her to throw them back in my face in high school.

Believe it or not when she first adopted me, she was as sweet at candy and was the best person i could ask for. Now? id rather be in foster care than in a house full of strangers that don't care.

"No one makes fun of me anymo-" I began saying before being rudely cut off by the same vile voice.

"The should start, you're too skinny for your age, are you sure you're not bulimic?" She whims as if it's a joke, my brother begins to chuckle.

"Or maybe they tease her about how dull she is? Did you see her last report card? Total bullshit for the money we're paying. To thing you're not even properly part of this family and still trying tho bleed us dry" he replies to mother as she full on laughs.

A small knot forms in the middle at of my throat, a sob trying to force it's way out of my mouth, but I can't let it happen.

"Oh dear remember she wants to do that singing career thing? As if she can sing to begin with." Aunt Heather intervenes in the 'joke' slyly smiling towards her husband.

A stinging sensation develops in my eyes, making it harder to keep them from unleashing all my with held emotions.

My vision begins to blur, as tears threaten to fall, this time with or without my permission.

I was slowing loosing my grip on my emotions as the only thing I could hear is their sickening laughs.

"She's just a lazy, dull little bi-" mum says only for her to be interrupted the loud screeching of the wooden chair.

Getting up I swiftly take my plate heading straight for the kitchen, placon my things into the dish washer quickly I scurry off to my room.

Not before hearing their laughs in the distance, probably another weight joke.

Walking into my room I lock the door shut before letting a single tear roll down my cheek.

Clamping my hands around my mouth I let out a muffled sob, my legs weaken, causing me to slowly slide down my door.

My body tries to fight all the emotions coming out, it tries to contain them but it's too late.

The damage was already done, it was too late to go back now. My body fell to the floor cradling my legs as if a baby, as the strong muffled sobs kept coming and coming.

My mind is running a mile per minute, things of why I couldn't just end it all, help my family out by getting out of their way.

Slowing crawling towards my bedside table I pick up my pack of pain killers, that I had stored for my periods.

Looking down at it I pop the cap off and drown myself in the pills, not caring how much I took.

My eyes droop downwards as sleep begs to overcome me, finally a release, I can fall asleep and never wake up, never wake up to this cruel world again, it could all end once and for all.

My body slowly begin to shut down, my tears seem to begin to stop only leaving a soft hicup behind. I' m going to be free, finally free.

And as I welcome the darkness a single thought slowly creeps in from the back if my mind one that I hadn't thought to think of all this time.

What about Mason?

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