Chapter 39

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Nadiyah's POV

I stare at Mason's dark figure as he sits and converses with his friends at a table that merely days ago I too was sitting on.

As I stand there and wonder what did I do wrong?

This! Us? it was a mistake!

Surely he didn't mean what he said, surely there had been some type of misunderstanding.

This wasn't my Mason.

Mason was kind, caring and sweet he wouldn't hurt a fly.

I continue to watch as him and Jason goof around, as Eleanore laughs at their childish behavior.

I will never love you Nadiyah

Then why did he hurt me?

"Look Naddie staring at him all day isn't gonna make you feel any better" Melody says as her voice does nothing to peel my eyes away from his direction.

"Yeah I mean I've always known he was a jerk anyways."Collin joins in as he casually tries to steal a fry from melodies plate. Earning a sharp slap of his hand from her.

"Look guys you two don't have to sit with me just because Mason doesn't want to talk to me, I know you miss your partners."

"And leave you all alone here? No way chika" Mello replies scornfully.

"What is it you Americans say love? Chicks before d*cks? Or something like that" Collin also adds.

This causes me to let out a small grin in return to his statement.

Melody throws a French fry Collins way earning a low grumble from him as he in turn throws one of his own.

Before we know it they're both throwing small bits and pieces of their lunch at each other laughing away at the childishness of the situation.

I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Turning my eyes back to Mason's table I almost choke on my drink when I catch his gaze.

I'm shocked to see his stone cold eyes seemingly soften in...guilt? regret? Hurt?

Maybe Sunday truly was a misunderstanding, maybe something happened and Mason took his anger out on me.

It didn't make sense how we could be having the best night ever one second and completely hating me the other.

Before I can confirm the emotions in his stormy orbs, he quickly turns around. Grabbing his things and heading for the door.

Before I know it I find my self standing up and I begin to hastily pack my belongings.

"Nadiyah what are you doing?" Melody questions as Collin also fixes his attention on me.

"I'm gonna go talk to him" I quickly reply before dashing towards the cafeteria door.

"Sh*t! Nadiyah don-"

But Mello's voice is effectively cut off by the slamming of the door.

I had no doubt in my mind that Melody would follow me in hopes to stop me from making a fool of myself but I had to catch up with Mason.

I needed answers because I knew there was more to the story than he was letting on.

I just knew it.

As I make a turn towards the hall I notice the sea of students up ahead. How was I meant to catch up when I couldn't even tell who's who?

Luckily spotting a familiar mop of brown hair accompanied by a noticeable black vans bag I begin to weave my way through the masses of bodies.

"Mason!" I try to call out as I bump into a small freshman student. Quickly muttering a small sorry I start running again.

"Mason! Stop please!" I call out again only to be ignored as he rounds a corner.

I start running faster, as I mutter apologetic excuse me's to the students I trip and bump into.

I had already started running out of breath due to my poor work out schedule, I was not fit enough for all this chasing around.

However I knew that if I didn't talk to him now I may not get the opportunity to later.

In a last attempt to catch his attention I shout out one more time loud enough for almost everyone to hear. "Mason please! I just wanna talk!"

This time he stops, to me relief turning around and waiting for me to make my way to him.

In a rush I approach him stumbling over my own two feet as I place my hands over my knees in attempt to catch my breath

"What do you want Nadiyah, I don't have all day." His short clipped tone causes me to lift my head towards him.

" I just wanted to talk to you" I try to say in between breaths as I steady my rapid breathing.

"We're talking aren't we?" He shoots back in a bored manner as I straighten myself to take a good look at him.

I knew I had seen him merely a day ago but something about the way he looked right now had my insides turning.

He was wearing a pair of light blue jeans, paired with a white Champion hoodie, his feet clad in white Nike trainers.

His thick mane of golden brown locks was messily pushed back with only a few strands falling lazily over his face. As if he had been running his had through it all morning.

To say he looked effortlessly handsome would be an understatement.

I quickly got insecure at my own appearance shifting, fiddling with the hem of my shirt in anxiousness.

I must have looked like a sack of potatoes in my large brown wooly sweater paired with my favorite black sweat pants and Adidas slide.

To say I wasn't concerned about my outfit this morning was far fetched.

"Look if you're just gonna stand there and stare at me I'm going to leave. I have better things to be doing" Mason's harsh voice snaps me out of my thoughts as a blush rises to my cheeks knowing he caught me gawking at him.

" I- I just wanted to talk about s-sunday Mase" I pathetically stutter out in embarrassment.

"And about Sunday Nadiyah" He asks in false confusion knowing very well what happened in Sunday morning.

" Mason why are you being so mean all of a sudden! you're not calling me princess like you normally do and I don't know just tell me what happened Mase! What changed" I burst out in anger at his new found coldness.

This was not the Mason I knew.

" I already told you what changed Nadiyah! I made a god damn mistake, we both didn't know what we were doing so just leave it alone Nadiyah! Forget it even happened!" He exclaims back not caring about the onlooker's now curiously staring at us.

" But I gave you my virginity Mason! That night I told you I loved you! You told me you loved me too! How can I just forget that!" I shout, holding back the tears threatening to spill.

"Well I lied!" He shoots back with so much anger as I watch him from my blurry eye's.

"We both know that's not true Mason."

Our faces only inches apart as, panting as we both stare into each others eye's. The world melts away as the only thing I can focus on is the storm brewing behind his cold grey eye's.

"It was a mistake and that's all it will ever be." With that He turns around my eye's trailing his moving figure until he disappear's behind a sea of bodies.

And even then, I don't look away I keep staring hoping he'll return and tell me this is just some sick joke he was forced to pull.

I fail to realize that I'm crying or the fact that Melody was now holding me in a tight hug as Collin patted my hair saying everything would be okay.

But how could it?

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