Chapter 46

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Mason Harper

Opening my locker I am met with another sea of in opened pink envelopes, but non of them were hers.

"Woah dude, how many of these do you get in a day?" Jason questions as I begin picking the pile of unopened letters up, placing them into the black trash bag I kept in my locker.

"I don't know maybe a couple hundred?" I say lazily as I quickly shuffle through a few before putting them in the trash bag with the rest.

"So you have to read all of them?" Collin questions as I finish turning toward them, not before putting the trash bag in my back pack.

"Nah I just look at the names on the front, I onl read the ones without a name only because I'm trying to decipher if its the same hand writing." I explain to the boys

It was the end of the day, and the mark of another week without a single letter from letter girl.

It had been driving me crazy, as I had not expected that more than half of the female student body and a bit of the male would all send me letters in hope that I would go out with them.

"Bro if you were smart you'd arrange these into a bang calendar, have a date every day for at least a year" Jason says as I slam my locker shut.

"Why don't you do it Jason?" I say as we begin to walk down the halls.

"Because he knows Melody would murk his ass if he even tried to" Collin laughs as Jason shoves him.

"Right I forgot sis has him pussy whipped" I chuckle along as Jason shoots daggers at me.

"I am not pussy whipped, I'll have you know I can do whatever I want whenever I want and Melody-" Jason rants

" And Melody what Jason?" Melody interrupts standing in front if the now scared looking blonde.

"And Melody... is the most Amazing girlfriend in the world and I wouldn't do anything to disrespect her" Jason says kissing her cheek at the end

"Nice save loser " Eleanor who immediately walks towards Collin who traps her in a hug says

As I laugh and mutter 'whipped' under my breath loud enough for the boys to hear causing Collin to laugh and Jason to stare furiously at us.

"Mm hmm that's what I thought you we're going to say" Melody hums in content.

As we walk towards the dinner a bit away from the school I absentmindedly tune out of the conversation, giving the couples their space.

My mind wonders to the letters I still have to read through at home and the new pile left in my locker at school.

Would she ever send me another letter?

It had been nearly three weeks since I went up in front of the school and confessed my feelings for letter girl.

At first my hopes were high as I saw the amounts of letters left in my locker day after day and I knew it was only a matter of time before she left her own.

But as the days passed my hopes died down as I quickly realized that the possibly of her sending another letter was now nearly impossible.

She was serious when she said goodbye in the last letter she had sent me. What only made it worse was the fact she was roaming in school, possibly sharing classes with me and I didn't even know it.

"Mase are you even listening to me?" Eleanor asks as she snaps two fingers in front of me.

"no sorry, what were you saying Ell?" I ask as we approach the small cozy diner, recognizing it as the same one Nadiyah worked at.

"There's a party at Xavier's tonight you coming?" She asks expectantly.

"yeah sure whatever" I reply not really bothered. I had nothing better to do anyways might as well get drunk.

"Okay great! Made is in" I zone back out as Ellie begins discussing plans and what to wear.

Looking towards the cash register a small flicker of hope sets in when I notice the girl who forced Nadiyah to talk to me when i was here last time.

Parting from the group, telling them that ilk be back in a second I head to the counter.

"Hey, um do you know if Nadiyah is working today? " I ask trying to sound as neutral as possible To to give away my

" No she's not, I'm sorry" The girl, whose name rage reads penny replies apologetically.

"Oh um would you happen to know when her next shift is?" I question again, this time a bit more hopeful she'd at least know when she's coming in.

"Nope sorry kid, why would you like to know?" Penny asks rising her eyebrow at me.

"I uh I just wanted to check up on her, um see how she's doing" I lie rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

Honestly I didn't know why exactly I was asking for her, all I knew was that I wanted to see her. Maybe have a conversation I don't know.

"Mm hmm yea sure, you know I recognize you from the last time you were here. Your name's Marco or something." Penny says as she casually begins to wipe the counter.

"Mason" I correct her, shifting my weight as I feel her intense gaze land on me.

Suddenly I hear her sigh" look Marco, Nadiyah's last shift here was yesterday. She's not coming back, she quit" Penny explains to me as my nose scrunches in confusion.

"Quit? What? Why?" I ask her trying to understand what's going on. She wouldn't just quit Nadiyah loved her job.

"Yeah quit, She's moving, today's her last day in Brooksdale" Penny replies walking to the back leaving me there in my own thought's.

She's leaving?

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