Chapter 2: The Kiss

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*Edited, July 20 2021

Mason Harper

For the last three lessons, I have not been able to get the sight of the little blush pink envelope out of my mind.

Like what is it?

Who's it from?

Are Jason and Ellie playing a prank on me?

Because that seemed more of a probable idea than some random person leaving me a note.

How would they even get into my Locker!

All these thoughts ran through my head as i currently sat in my English literature class. I'm definitely not paying attention to a word my teacher, Miss Hunter, is saying.

This is exactly why I'm falling behind.

The only thing I have actually heard since I came into this lesson, almost thirty minutes ago was something to do with a class project.

I'm guessing we are going to have to do group work, I'm not so sure.

Maybe I can just ask Eleanor at lunch, she's in AP English meaning she's probably already done the project, as they're class is ahead of ours.

On the other hand I could read the letter at lunch time and finally find out what exactly was in it, instead of figuring out what my most probably boring project is about.

Gosh why I'm I even stressing so much over reading this stupid letter! It's not like I have a secret admirer or something, get a grip Mason.

"Mr Harper!" The loud shriek of Miss Hunter's voice jolted me out of my cycle of thoughts.

"Can you please tell me what I just said?"

Her perfectly manicured hand had been placed on her waist as she cocks her hip to the side in a condescending manner, I could feel ice cold daggers of her glare on me.

Snapping my head towards her I could only manage a sheepish grin as I attempted to answer.

"Um? Projects?"

"Tsk Tsk Tsk Not even close Mason. I said that miss Montez is your partner, and please pay attention next time Mr Harper." Miss sighed as she continues to call out project partners.

"Hey Mason! I can't believe that we're partners for the project! what do you want to do?" I hear Madison's high pitched voice rush out.

As she continues to over energetically talk on, I tune out her squeaky voice, diving into my own whirlwind of thoughts.

You see Madison is what I'd like to call the stereotypical 'it' girl but can be an absolute bitch when she wants to be.

She's sort of also had a little thing for me since elementary, well that's what I've been told anyways.

I'm not so sure if it's true or not, i've only heard rumors about her scaring this one chick last year for asking me for biology help.

Poor girl only wanted to know how inheritance works.

It's not that she's not pretty or anything, I mean she has a slim tan body with the right curves and legs for days, vibrant blue eyes and long silky brown hair.

She's literally like walking sex appeal every guy wants her and ever girl wants to be her but would I date her?

Hell No.

Its not that she's a bad person, I simply just don't think I could ever like her that way.

She's just not it for me.

Love, NadiyahWhere stories live. Discover now