Chapter 45

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Mason Harper

It hadn't dawned on me exactly how many people were going to be at this pep rally until I got here.

And that's when the nerves started kicking in, I was about to make a complete fool of myself in front of all these people, all in the name of love.

But was it worth it?

At this point I honestly didn't know, but I knew one thing if I didn't try I'd never know.

"Hey Mase you ready?" Eleanor asked as Collin trailed behind her holding her hand.

The sight if them together still irked me, but as long as Ellie was happy I'd try and be cordial with the guy. Still didn't mean I trusted him.

Eleanor was helping me with my plan, after seeing the letter left in my locker I knew I had to get anonymous is attention somehow.

I needed her to hear me out about giving me a chance and I knew every student would be here, at the schools annual pep rally.

Luckily enough Eleanor was student body president and had to give a opening speech at the beginning of events like this. She agreed to trade her slot with me so I could try and find letter girl while Jason agreed to distract the teachers before they realized what was happening.

Worst part was I only had one shot at this so I absolutely could not mess this up.

"Yeah I guess am as ready as anyone could be before publicly confessing their feelings to a person they don't know." I reply back to her earning me a small sheepish smile.

"No pressure right?" Collin says trying to lighten the mood, only stressing me out even more.

"Hey guys, Jason just texted me that he's ready." Melody says as she jogs up to us I nod my head muttering a brief thanks her way.

"Don't worry Made you're gonna do great just speak from the heart" Eleanor says encouragingly.

Honestly all I wanted was to stop talking about this and get it over with, turning towards Melody I notice how this is the first time I've seen her without Nadiyah in months.

"How is she?" I find myself asking get before I can even comprehend my own sentence.

"Who?" Melody asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Nadiyah." I say, mentioning her name for the first time in week's, it feels almost foreign on my lips.

I notice how Ellie and Collin are not even paying attention to us, trapped in their own little bubble of joy.

I want that.

"She's..." Melody pauses breathing out a long sigh as she looks at me before continuing " Why do you care Mason? You're the one who told her to leave you alone"

She was right. I had no right whatsoever to ask how she was, I had pushed her out of my life on my own not anybody else.

However I found myself unable to fully move on from her. She was absolutely perfect, an angel roaming the earth, hurting her would forever be my biggest regret.

But if it brought me closer to my happy ever after, it would be worth it.

"Because regardless of what you think, I care about her. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I didn't mean to hurt her." I tell her truthfully.

Melody takes a long hard look at me, moving close enough that our faces were only centimeters away before saying, "well you should have thought of that before publicly humiliating her and breaking her heart Harper."

With that she turns around retreating to where she had come from or probably going to find Jason I presume.

"Okay Show time Mase! Go get her tiger!" Eleanor says as they announce her name and the crowd claps.

Okay here goes nothing.

Walking into the gymnasium I try to confidently approach the mic.

Looking around I see the large Mass of students all staring at me in confusion, as their cheers die down and the clapping almost comes to a complete halt.

Ugh say something dumbass

"erm Hello everyone" I say as the loud pricing sound of the microphone echo's through the gym causing us to all close our ears at the excruciating sound.

Once the sound passes I frantically scan the crowd spotting Ellie giving me a huge thumbs up, as she mouths for me to continue.

Okay try again Mase, Remember speak from the heart.

"Hey everyone, I know you were expecting student body president Eleanor but I needed to give a very important message to a very special girl." I start looking back at Ellie as she smiles at me causing me to smile back.

"Most of you wouldn't know, but a couple of months ago I started receiving letter's from a ... secret admirer if you will. At first I was confused as to who was dumb enough to stalk me, because I'm honestly the least interesting person on the planet" I paused as a small chorus of laughter danced through the gymnasium.

"But then the more letters they wrote, the more I started looking forward to them, each day silently hoping I got a pretty pink envelope waiting in my locker for me. Gosh I sound like a girl" I chuckle, taking in a small breath I continue.

"They became my little daily dose of happiness. I wanted to keep reading and never stop but most of all I wanted to know who was sending them to me. So I decided to write one back asking to see her to know her, it was weird to say the least placing a letter in my locker waiting for someone to come break in and find it." I explain grabbing the mic from the stand as I start walking.

"But she read it, and said it wouldn't work. I was honestly devastated. For the first time in a long time I was putting myself out there for someone I barely knew. I waited two weeks, two whole weeks and not a single letter." I say briefly scanning the crowd hoping she would magically show herself some how

"So today I'm coming to you and asking, if you're my letter girl. I'm sorry for rushing you, I know you must be scared of my reaction when I find out who you are. Trust me I get it, we can start slow we can built the trust, sending letters back and forth till eventually we start texting, then calling then maybe hanging out in real life. We can do whatever you want, just please don't shut me out, don't cut me off. Cause I might not know you that well, but I know you're someone I would like to keep in my life forever. Someone I'm willing to fall in love with. So whenever you're ready just drop a letter." I conclude, as I close my eyes before saying the last words.

"And I'll be waiting for you."


Oh my goodness guys five more chapters left ughhhhhhhhh we are reaching the end
I don't think I'm readyyy!!!

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