Chapter 40

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Nadiyah's POV

It had been a little over a month since that day in the hallway and I haven't talked to Mase since.

Melody and Collin are constantly around me, telling me not to think of him. But how could I not when even they themselves now have to plan secret hang outs with Eleanor and Jace, fearing that all of us hanging out together would be too much for me to handle.

I knew they were right. Knowing that Eleanor and Jason might have known more about what happened would kill me. I'd try getting it out of them in turn ruining their date.

I didn't want to do that to them.

I constantly see him in the hallways, hanging out with his friends. Sometimes I go watch his practices, I sit behind the bleachers where no one can see me.

I often find myself just staring at him, in class, in the hallways at lunch. Wondering how something so beautiful could turn so sour so quick.

Most of the time's, I wish he would just look at me. Glance my way and see me, notice me like he did all those months before.

But I knew it was just wishful thinking, for since that day Mason Harper hasn't even breathed in my direction.

He seemed to move on just fine without me, as if I never mattered to begin with.

And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop blaming myself for what happened. If I had just stayed at home that night I wouldn't have gone to the party. I wouldn't have drank so much and left.

I wouldn't have ended up walking to Mason's house, I wouldn't have slept with him and that morning would have never happened.

We would have still been friends. He would haves still walked me to class and called me princess, we would have still hang out. He would have been standing here in front of me giving me that mega watt smile of his.

But he wasn't and it was all my fault.

"I see you're still mopping over your little escaped with Mason." Madison's voice cuts through my thoughts as her hand slams my locker shut causing me to jump at the sound.

Well doesn't this feel familiar.

"What do you want Madison?" I tiredly ask as I turn to face her.

"Oh nothing just came to check up on you, news about Mason playing you spread and I just couldn't help but want to come and make sure you're okay." She explains in a sincere tone.

However there was nothing sincere about anything she just said, as the proud smirk plastered on her lips gave away her true intention.

"Madison you and I both know that's a load of crap so just tell me the real reason why you're here" I harshly state crossing my arms across my chest defensively.

"Okay you caught me! No need to get defensive" She says laughing obnoxiously loud as her goons follow. "I actually came here to gloat"

"Firstly what makes you even think I'd care about what ever you want to gloat about" I spit out not in the mood to deal with her drama today. I already had enough on my plate as it is.

"Mason of course"She says smugly

My throat runs dry at the mention of his name, as a familiar lump in my throat renders me unable to speak.

Dammit hormones wrong time to get emotional!

"Oo someone's gone quiet, too soon?" She asks in a sickly sweet voice, leaning in closer to my face causing me to take a step back effectively forcing my back against my locker.

"I just simply wanted to tell you I told you so" Maddie continues moving back with a small smile.

"Why would you want to tell me I told you so?" I question after clearing my throat hoping my voice to come out stronger than I felt.

"Because I did, I told you that Mason was mine and you should have listened to me. Now look at you, pathetically moping around school like a lost puppy as he lives his life without a care in the world" She resorts back.

Why was she telling me this, "Just leave me alone Madison" I shoot back, praying she'll get tired and go bother someone else.

But of course she kept talking, ignoring my words. "I don't know why you even thought you had a chance. Your own birth parents didn't want you, choose to throw you to the curb. Only to be adopted by people who couldn't tolerate you either"

My heart stopped at the mention of my adopted family, how did she know this? Did she see my family and I somewhere? No one knew about the fact I was adopted. Not even Melody.

I couldn't stop the lone tear that slipped past my eye's. How many more people knew about my home situation?

"Oops? Did I strike a nerve? Are they a sensitive subject?" Madison mocks fully knowing what she had done.

"how did you know that?" I ask in disbelief trying to figure out who or where she could have gotten this information from.

Madison only smirks at me as she absent mindedly plays with her long manicured nails. Completely ignoring my question as if she hadn't heard me, though we were only centimeters apart.


"Mason." The words die in my throat as she utters a name I had not even considered. Mason was the only person I had let in my house when my family was home.

He said he wouldn't tell anyone

He promised me it would stay between us

How many more people had he told?

Did he really not mean the words he said to me?

"I told you sweetheart, you should have listened." Madison says not before walking off, her fellow Barbie's following closely behind her.

However it is not until I hear the clicking of heels fully fade away that I let myself break down.

Sliding my back against my locker door I burry my face into my hands and let out all my pent up frustrations.

Not caring who see's me, I let myself cry.
Cry about Mason, cry about my birth parents cry, about my adoptive family, cry about Maddie's words. Cry about life.

Because that's all i can do in that moment.

Love, NadiyahWhere stories live. Discover now