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Allie's POV

I sat in my room reading until I got a call from my sister Natalie.

"Hey sis!" I said.

"Hey Allie! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm great! Missing you and Matt though!" I admitted.

"We miss you too! So how are you liking it out there?" She asked.

I smiled to myself. "I love it! I found Derek and Cora and I have friends! Good friends! I feel at home!" I said.

"That's amazing Allie!" She chirped.

"Yeah so how are you and Matt doing?" I asked.

"Well, we have actually been thinking about moving out there." She explained.

My jaw dropped. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah unless you don't want us to?" She said.

"Are you kidding? I'd love for you and Matt to move out here!" I said.

Ryder's POV

For the first time in a long time, I've actually felt loved. Scott and his mom have allowed me to live with them. I have my own room and bathroom. Scott allows me to hang out with him all the time and he really treats me like his brother. Scott's mom has been treating me like her biological son. It's been great and having Scott as my alpha instead of Adrian has made things a lot easier, because I trust Scott and everyone in the pack are my friends. Even Liam has been like a brother even though he was Scott's first beta and all.

Stiles' POV

I sat at my desk working on homework until I heard a slight knock on my door that was already open. I turned to see Allie standing in the doorway. "Hey!" I smiled. She smiled. "Hey are you busy?" She asked. I looked down at my half finished homework then back up to Allie. "Nope, not busy at all!" I smirked. "Good!" She said, beginning to walk towards me. We kissed for a long moment until she pulled away. "So guess what!" She said, sitting on my bed. "What?" I asked, sitting on my desk chair backwards. "My sister and brother are going to be moving out here!" She chirped. I smiled. "Really? That's awesome!" I said. "I can't wait for you to meet them! You'll love them!" She said, excitedly. "I'm sure I will if they are anything like you!" I said sweetly. She rolled her eyes at me, and I chuckled.

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