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"Are you not going to say anything?" The silence stressed me out.I want explanation.God, I just want him to say something to ease this awkward situation.

"About what?"

Shit!Why he is playing dumb.I'm getting annoyed by the situation.

"Are you asking because you really don't know?" I huffed out a breath loud enough for him to hear.

But then he grabbed my wrist and yanked me closer to him."Look I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't know why I did it. It's just, I think I'm attracted to you. You make me anxious when I'm around you. Damn, you make me nervous. I tried to push away this thoughts but I can't. I thought about it all the way. I think about you day and night. Just the way you smile and blush makes me smile. And I swear all the things I've said is true."

I didn't expect that at all. I was expecting for him to say to forget what happened, that it was just a mistake but he didn't. I was happy  and I don't even know why. Is it because he said he was attracted to me or the fact that he thought about me all the time? He said it once or twice but this time, it was different. It made my cheeks turns red and my body tingles.

"You're attracted to m-me" I still can't believe it.

"Yes, I might you" He hides his face a little hiding the blush that was showing on his face.

"You like me?" My face frowns in confusion."But how?"

"I don't know when it started but this feeling is real. I know it is. I know you hate me but I'm going to work my ass off for you to like me back. I'm going to make you my girlfriend for real" he looks at me in the eyes with a soft and admiring look.

His words had thrown me off. I stood there speechless. A part of me was giggling with happiness. My heart flutters. I certainly do feel something for him. It's hard to ignore it, might as well just accept it. But I can't tell him so easy. Something in me is resisting because of what I had encountered before. Also, I was curious how will he work his ass off to make me like him, although I already feel like I like him.

"Laura, please give me a chance. I'll be good to you." he took a step closer. His hands grazing my chin to my cheeks and then cups it. His eyes piercing right into me. His gestures sends a jolt of electricity to my body. Heat starts forming on body.

"Okay, just don't break my heart" That's what I was scared of. I can't get the past from my head. I had moved on but it still breaks my heart. I want to believe that yeonjun is different because nobody had ever make me feel like this.

"Laura, I would never do that" he assures me. His hands never leaved my cheeks. He keeps on caressing it softly and I melt into his touch. His thumb goes a little further to the corner of my lips, grazing it. His eyes drops to my lips.

I was trembling in his touch. It was a really nervewrecking moment. He leans a little to me.

"I want to kiss you.Can I?" he checks my eyes for confirmation. I can't resist him, he makes me crave for his touch. I close my eyes as a signal for him to keep going.

Then it all happened. My breath hitched as soon as his lips consumed mine. His heat mixing with mine. My brain went empty. His kiss was slow, comforting and soft then it turned passionate. He grab my waist inching me closer to him. I slid my hands behind his neck. He gets a little rough when i let out a moan. He puts his tongue in to make the kiss more passionate, to show how much he likes me. My brain was mushy, he was such a great kisser. It went for hours (not actually) then he stoppped and leaned back a little. Still pushing his forehead against mine.

"I'm afraid if I don't stop, I won't be able to control myself" he pecks my lips and backs off to give me space.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he looks at me with a lovely expression, it made me melt.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" I wave at him while walking to my doorsteps. My mind can't stop thinking about what just happened. My skin was still tingling from his touch. I just fell in deep for Yeonjun.


You guys are such cuties..the hours at the kiss part is basically just a metaphor that it was longer than a kiss is usually. I should write the sentence differently but im lazy to do that.

That One Mistake / Yeonjun [✓]Where stories live. Discover now