Our date

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There's a little bit of a mature scene at the end. So I will put a warning for a heads up. So feel free to skip if you are not okay with it




Laura is sitting beside me and I don't know if anyone notice it but we're holding hands right now under the table. Well I initiate it first and she went along with it. Every touch with her makes me feel complete like a whole person. It felt like magic everytime i'm with her. I'm planning on taking her out on a date tomorrow, I hope she is free.

"Laura, you wanna go on a date with me?"  I started to draw circles on the back of her hand. Asking your dream girl out on a date could make me this nervous.

"Oh, when?"


"Sure. I would like to spend the day with you." she gives me the sweetest smile and I think my heart just melted there. If someone told me that I would be head over heels for Laura back then I would probably laughed for 5 minutes straight no stopping.

But I changed and she did too. We changed for the better things.


The next day I was confuse what to wear. Skirt or jeans. I'm doomed. I wanna look good in front of him. In like 20 minutes he will arrive and I haven't even decided what to wear. For like 5 minutes I keep on trying different oufits and at last I went with a knit cream turtle neck and a black wavy skirt. Never wore a skirt outside before but today I'm gonna try it.

The door bell rings 2 times and mum opens up the door showing yeonjun standing holding a bouquet of flowers. He looks handsome as ever with a black v neck shirt and black jeans. He looks good in everything. I'm lucky to have him as my boyfriend. People will be drooling over him and I won't complain cause who can resist him.

"You look beautiful Laura and different with the skirt." he step inside and went straight to me to hand out the flowers.

"This is for you."

"Thank you, they are wonderful." I took it and put in on the empty vase by the kitchen desk. It looks good there. He gave me tulips, my favourite flower actually


May I say she looks stunning, beautiful, wonderful and all the words that describes an angel. How did I get lucky with her. Just the energy she radiates from wearing that outfit screams perfection. I just can't stop staring. It's hard to keep my eyes off.

"Yeonjun we're not going to go anytime now if you just keep on staring." she let out a soft chuckle at my actions.

"Sorry. Let's get going then." I grab her hand and intertwined it with mine. Even the little actions made my body shivers.

We went to a theme park. Laura was afraid of riding rollercoasters but I assure her that nothing will happen and I will always be with her. Everytime we ride she would lean into me and grip my hand tightly. I would be lying if I say that it didn't hurt a little. This girl is really strong to be exact. But aside from that she said that she enjoyed it. It was a moment full of sparks and enjoyment.

"I need to show you something." we were heading somewhere. A place that holds a special part in my heart. She would be the first person to see it and I couldn't bring anybody else than her.

"Where are we going yeonjun?" she tug my hand and followed me. It was a bit dark but I was already familiar with the way so it wasn't hard.

"We're here."

I heard her gasp softly as she views in the scenery. A hidden lake where the blue water reflects the moonlight making the water looks sparkly. The stars were shining brightly as ever.

"It's amazing, it's-" she glances her gaze to me for a while and then back to the scenery. "How did you find this place?"

"It wasn't hard. I was stress that time and kept walking until I found this place." I took a step closer to the lake and Laura followed me.

"Am I the only one who knows this place?" she plays with the water letting her fingers dip in.

"Only you." I take her form with my eyes. Her beauty stands out more than ever with the moonlight reflecting on it. The only person who holds my heart.

"Laura." She tilt her heads to match her gaze with mine. She stood up and face towards me.

I took a step closer and hold her waist with my left hand while the other one goes to her cheeks.

"I love you." then I crashed my lips with her own. Our lips molding perfectly together. It's like it was made for each other. It felt like fireworks and sparks all over me. We kissed slowly first and then I took a step forward to deepen the kiss. I brush my tongue on her bottom lips for access and she gave in. We fought for dominance but as expected I win.

My heart couldn't stop beating even for a second. I couldn't guess the momentum. Her moans came out softly when I pull her body closer. Her hands grips my hair playing with it. We stopped as we ran out of breath but our forehead was still leaning on each other. No words came out. We were speechless.

"I love you too." she replied. Hearing those words made me kiss her one more time. I was beyond happy. The person I love, loves me back.  What could be happier than that.

Mature Scene!


Yeonjun kisses me like there was no tomorrow. It was a sexual kiss. I could feel all the emotions he was trying to deliver. I couldn't stop moaning and calling out his name. His kisses went further to my jaw and to my neck.


He groaned when he heard me calling his name and he continued to leave wet kisses around my neck. He suck and kiss on the sensitive part of my neck. I couldn't resist my moan. He was smirking when he knows that the spot was sensitive for me.

And then he stopped and tilt his head upwards to look at me in the eyes. He gave me a peck on the lips for the last time.

"I love you so much and I couldn't be happier."

That One Mistake / Yeonjun [✓]Where stories live. Discover now