Chapter Three

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Kyle Aston's pov

I woke up to the sun peeking through my curtains. The birds sang their morning tune. It was my day off today from work. Ever scinse the Studio shut down due to all the problems it's had. I now have a job as a night guard at this mall. The studio closed down five years ago. The place was extremely dangerous. The stairwells would flood with ink. Some of the wood rotted and it caused some the ceiling to cave in. At any givin moment it felt like the whole place would collapse.
I streched arching my back hearing a little pop sound. I finally got out of bed and walked down the creaky stairs. *tap, creak* *tap, creak* I walked outside the warm spring sun shined on my skin, making me feel warm. I grabbed my mail from the mailbox and when back inside.

"Lets see what I've got in the mail today." I said to myself. "Bill, bill, post card from mom and dad," I looked at the last envelope. "From Joey Drew. I haven't heard from him scinse the studio." I opened the envelope.

"Drear Kyle,
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I was hoping that we could catch up on things. Come meet me at the old workshop there is one more thing that I need to show you.

Your best pal Joey Drew."

"Why not, I miss the old workshop and I miss chatting with Joey. This will be fun. Just like old times." I walked back up to my room and got myself dressed for the day. I honestly can't wait to see Joey.


I opened the old rotten door to the workshop. "Hello?" I looked around a little more. "Joey? Are you in here?" There was no reply. I wondered around a little more. 'He's got to be around here somewhere.' I walked over to a door that lead to the music department. 'Maybe he's down here?' "Joey!" I called out once more. I came across this room the door was ajar so I pushed it opened the rest of the way. In the room was a big pentagram in the middle of it. "What the hell? What is this? What's going on here?"
My head collided with something hard. My vision was blurry, but I could still see the silhouette of a male. "Wh-what are you d-doing?" The male held a hammer in his right hand. He brought the hammer down on my head again. Before my vision was completely gone. I heard him say.
"Shhh....Don't worry about a thing Kyle. Just relax and everything will be all right. You won't feel a thing."

I forgot to ask if you wanted to see what the characters looked like.

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