Chapter Seventeen

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Henry Stein's pov

I walked up to Alice's door once again and put the axe in the drop box. I was so exhausted from all this running. "Those disgusting wreches have wandered my halls and have gone unchecked! They're trying to drag me back to the darkness! Don't let them take your angel! Purge them one by one! Smash them into puddles! Kill them!" Alice yelled. The Butcher Gang members came down the stairs running at me. I quickly killed them off one by one trying not to get hit. After it was done, everything was quiet.
Alice said, that I had to go down deeper into the aybss. The lower level that I can think of is Level Fourteen. 'I should check out what's in that door. I never got the chance to. I only chopped the boards down that were blocking it.' I walked over to the door and opened it. There was an audio log on the chair. The name read Grant Cohen.

Voice Of Grant Cohen


"They say the real problem wigh Mr. Drew is that he never actually tells us little people anything. Oh sure, according to him there's always big stuff coming, adventure and fame and the like."
"But I'm the guy, see, who has to make sure our budgets don't go all out of whack just cause genius upstairs went out and got himself another idea."
"Speaking of which, and this is top secret, apparently Mr. Drew has another large project in mind now, and it ain't gonna be cheap."


I walked back to the lift and pressed the level Fourteen. The lift took us down deeper into hell. Static echoed through the speakers once again. "You are almost finished with your tasks. This should be your last one. All you have to do is collect five hearts for Alice. The hearts could be anywhere so you'll have to keep a close eye out for them. The Ink Demon will not follow you down here. But you have to worry about something else. Alice calls him the Projectonist. You need to stay out of his light otherwise he will attack and kill you. He can't hear you either all you need to do is stay out of his light. Now, on the steps near you should be a corpes of a Striker. He will be holding a heart. That will be one heart off the list. Now go and find the others. I'll try to send help your way. You can't see them, but they can see you."
I stepped out of the lift and grabbed the heart from the Striker's corpes. I suddenly hear a loud screeching noise. I went down the stairs to a balconey. This place was flooded with ink. Corpes lied in the ink and old crates and barrels. "Shh... there he is. The Projectionist. Skulking in the darkness. You be sure to stay out of his light, if you don't want trouble. Just bring me back the pieces I need."

I walked down the stairs into the ink mess. The ink was up to my shins making it difficult to walk through. I saw a recording on a crate. I looked at the name. Norman Polk. I pressed the play button.

Voice Of: Norman Polk


"Now I'm not lookin' for trouble. It's just the nature of us projectionists to seek out the dark places."
"You see. I've learned the ins and outs of this here studio. I know how to avoid being bothered by the likes of"
"That projectionist, they always say, creeping around, he's just lookin' for trouble. Well trouble or not. I sees everything. They don't even know when I'm watchin'."
"Even when I'm right behind 'em."


'So he went right. I guess I'll go left.' This place was a maze, and what's worse about it are thoese extremely dim lights from the projectors that showed old Bendy cartoons. On the left side I had collected two more hearts I have two more heats to collect. My guess is that there on the right side of the maze. *Slosh, slosh, slosh* I heard footsteps coming closer. There was a Miracle Station close to the right side. I moved as fast as I could in the ink. Luckily I made it just in time. The projectionist walked by slowly.

The last heart was right in front of me. I grabbed and alice started talking again. "Tell me were they still writhing in your hands? Bring them to me now! I don't like to wait." The projectionist screamed. I could hear it's footsteps sloshing in the ink quickly. He is chasing me again. I made it to the open area with the stairs. I bolted towards the stairs and reached the lift. I pressed the button and the gate open. The gate closed and we went back up to level Nine once again.

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