Chapter Ten

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Henry had been staying in Boris' safehouse for a couple of days now. But Henry had to leave, he wanted to see his loving wife again. Henry walked towards the big metal door that led to his way out of the safehouse. But the lever was missing. "I'm not getting out of here that easy. I need to open up the door, but the lever's missing. Boris probably has it." Henry said to himself. Henry walked over to jolly wolf. "Hey buddy, have you seen that lever handle around or are you holding it hostage until I get you something to eat." Boris stayed silent. "I thought so, let's see what we got."
Henry wandered around the safehouse looking for cans of soup he found the first one on the shelf and another one on a barrel. The last one was hidden away in a chest. The chest sat back in the room that the two slept in. "That should be enough." Henry said walking back to the wolf. Henry placed the soup in a pot for a couple of minutes and handed the bowl of soup to Boris. According to Henry he acted like the janitor Wally Franks.

Wally was a twenty-three year old male. He had messy brown hair and blue eyes. He stood at 5'6. He also had that New Yorker accsent. He was a funny man, always tried to crack jokes. He was pretty lazy at times too, he was kind of a scardy-cat to say the least. He knew his way around the building.

Henry placed the switch back in its slot where it should have been, and pulled the switch down. The big metal door opened. "Let's see what's out there," He said. But he stopped for a moment. "Hold on for a second buddy I'll be right back I just need to grab something," Henry said, walking back to the room. Boris liked to sleep in high places, kind of like he's flying. Under Boris' bed was the chest and behind the bed and the chest was a shelf. And right next to the chest was a bone.
'I bet this will calm Boris down,' Henry thought to himself. Henry quickly went back to Boris. "Here you go buddy," Henry said giving Boris the bone. The two walked down the hallway. Boris stayed near some kind of shed. "It's too dark up ahead. I'm going to need a flashlight." Henry said to himself. On a desk right next to him was a flashlight. He took it and pointed towards the dark corridor. "Don't be scared Boris. I'll keep the light on so we don't get lost

Once they hit the middle of the dark hallway. They heard loud thuds. *thud, thud, thud* Boris looked around. "You hear that Boris?" Boris was silent. "Yeah, me either." They reach a room where the flashlight wasn't needed. "Another dead end." Henry said. Boris walked over to a vent. Henry handed Boris the flashlight to him. Boris crawled through the vent and a few moments later the door opened.

Henry Stein's pov

I walked through the metal doors that had just opened up. I made it into this big room. To both sides had sofas and four Bendy cutouts on each side. There were two sets of staires on the left and right side going up. In the middle of the stairs was a fountain of ink with a large Bendy statue in the middle. The sign above it said: Heavenly Toys. "Wow. I don't remember any of this." I walked up the left side of the stairs. There was a switch next to it. 'I'll go to that in a second.' I walked through another opening in the room was a bunch of shelves filled with plushies. "Why is there always something blocking the door?" There was a shelf blocking the door.
There was a switch that went left to right instead of up and down like the original ones I had run into a few times. 'I wonder if that switch out there is connected to this switch in some way?' I walked to the switch that was near the stairs and flipped it on. 'Well it did something.' I walked back into the room with all the plushies. I had noticed that the gears were trying to move but thrre were some tous caught in them.

I took the toys out of the gears one by one. They started working again. *Bang, bang, bang* There was an audio log the name that was on it was Shawn Flynn

Voice Of: Shawn Flynn


"I don't be seein' what the big deal is."
"So what if I went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile?"
"That's sure no reaction for Mr. Drew to be flyin' off the handle at me. And if he really wants to be so helpful, he could be tellin' me what I'm to be doin' with this warehouse I got full of that angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin'."
"Probably have melt it all down to be rid of it all."


I walked into a room filled with Alice Angel dolls. There were window panes on three sides of the room. The one in front of was a room set up like a stage. There was a door wth a star on it that said Alice Angel. The lights when off and someone started singing a bouncy tune. Then all of a sudden.


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