Chapter Six

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Henry Stein's pov

I wondered down the hallway to my right there was a table with some kind of recorder on it. There was a person's name on the recorder. Wally Franks. I remember seeing him around the workshop. I pressed the play button.

Voice Of: Wally Franks

"At this point, I don't get what Joey's plan is for the company. The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore. And I certainly don't see why we need this machine. It's noisy, it's messy. And who needs that much ink anyway?"
"Also, get this, Joey had each one of us donate something from our work station. We put them on these little pedestals in the break room. To help appease the gods, Joey says. Keep things going."

"I think he's lost hus mind, but hey, he writes the checks. But I tell ya what, if one more of these pipes burst. I'm outta here."


I walked towards the theater room on the chair next to the projector was the Bendy plush. I grabbed it and left. I remember seeing the cogwheel in the chest back in the Ink Machine room. Three more items to go. I went up to the door that was left ajar and opened it the rest of the way. It was the break room. I wondered around the break room looking at each table. The last table that I went to had the book I was looking for. Two more two go. I was back out in the hallway again. I noticed a light from one of the doors. 'Is someone in there?' I stepped closer to the door. The floor boards creaked under my weight. The light flicked off and I opened the door. I expected to see someone in the room, but the was no one.
But I did find the record. Now I need to find the ink vial. I made way to the opposite end of the workshop. "Hey, here's my old desk. I wasted so much time in this chair." I walked into a bigger room with more desks. "Looks like they knocked out a wall or two after I left. Must have taken a few people to replace me." I found the ink vial that hid under the desk.

"Okay! That's all of them! I just need to get the ink flowing somehow. Should be a switch around here somewhere. Then I can start up the main power." I walked back to the room with all those pedestals. I placed each object on the stools. The room lit up. I walked back to the theater room. I saw a wheel just behind the projector.

Once I turned the wheel the room started filling with ink. The ink reached my knees. I left the room and walked back to the room with the six objects. *clang, bang* I flipped the switch and went back to the Ink Machine room. But when I got there it was all boarded up. 'How did all of this get here?' I got closer to the boards that's when this black figure jumped at me. It tried to reach for me but it miss.
I ran back to the exit I was so close to it, but then the floor gave in and it collapsed right under me. I fell into a pool of ink. I moved slowly through the ink and started draining the ink. My eyes met another audio recording. The name read Thomas Conner. I pressed the button.

Voice Of: Thomas Conner


"It's darn and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every singal wall now. In some places, I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees! Who ever thought that these crummy pipes could hold this kind of strain either knows something about pressure I don't, or he's some kind of idiot."
"But the real worst part about all this... are them noises the system makes. Like a dying dog on it's last legs. Make no mistake, this place... this... machine... heck, this whole darn thing... it just isn't natural."
"You can bet, I won't be doing any more repair jobs for Mister Joey Drew."


I walked down the flight of stairs. There was more ink that flooded the stairs. I turned a couple more wheels and walked through this door that was once blocked by a pool of ink. In the room there was a table and on that table was an axe sitting there. "This will definatly come in hand."
I swung the axe at the boards that blocked my path. I opened the door and there was a pentagram in the middle of the room and there were three coffins in the room as well. I walked in the room and that's when my vision started fading.

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