Chapter Eight

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Henry Stein's pov

I flipped the switch on and all the lights lit up the Music Department. They were really dim however. I'm surprised that they still work. After all, it has been thirty years since I've last been here. I stepped into the room *blop* a puddle of ink fell from the ceiling. I inched my way closer to the ink blob. When I was close enough an ink figure popped up from the puddle. It groaned and gurgled. The ink creature lunged at me. Before the ink creature could hurt me I swung the axe at it. The creature sunk back into it's puddle.
A few more of those ink creatures came up from the ground I hit them with my axe. I had a few minor injuries from the creatures. I was close to the door that that was once boarded up. Music started playing. I looked to my right to see a new opening. 'I'll check that out in a second. I should check out this audio log first.' I walked over to the audio log. It was another Sammy Lawrence audio log.

Voice Of: Sammy Lawrence


"So first, Joey installs this Ink Machine over our heads. Then it begins to leak. Three times last month, we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwells."
"Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain it periodically. Now I have this ugly pump switch in my office. People in and out all day."
"Thanks, Joey. Just what I need. More distractions. These stupid cartoons don't write themselves you know."


I wandered down the hallway the opened up. To my left was an infirmary. 'I wonder what's down there.' Ink flooded the infirmary. "Maybe there's a way to drain it?" Sammy's office was just ahead of me. "Well there's the pump switch alright. But That's one hell of a leak blocking the door though. If I can just stop that ink from flowing, maybe I can get in." I turned around and noticed another audio log. It was another Wally Franks audio log.

Voice Of: Wally Franks


"So I go to get my dust pan out of the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys. It's like they disappeared into thin air or something."
"All I can think of is that they must have fallen into one of the garbage cans as I was making my rounds last week."
"I just hope nobody tells Sammy. Because of he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm outta here."


The hallways closet was to my left. 'So the hall closet must be locked. I guess I need to go find the keys.' I looked through the trash cans on the lower part of the Music Department. It wasn't in any of them. There was a set of stairs to my right when I entered the Music Department. Maybe it's up there. I walked up the stairs and there was a desk and a projector and another trash can. On the desk was another audio log. The audio read the name of Norman Polk.

Voice Of: Norman Polk


"Everyday the same strange thing happens, I'll be up here in my booth, the band would be swinging, and suddenly Sammy Lawrence just comes marching in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells us all to wait in the hall."
"Then I hear him. He starts up my projector, and he dashes from the projector booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind."
"Few seconds later, the projector turns off. But Sammy, he doesn't come out for a long time. This man is weird. Crazy weird."
"I have half a mind to talk to Mr. Drew about all this. But then again. I have to admit. Mr. Drew has his own pecullaritues."


In the trash can next to the desk was the set of keys. I walked back towards Sammy's office and to the right was the closet. The closet unlocked. There was another audio log. It was another Sammy Lawrence recording.

Voice Of: Sammy Lawrence


"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song."
"The banjo playfully plucks."
"The violin shudders with a piercing voice."
"The drum thunders in triumph."
"The drum echoes out once more."
"Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."


Looks like I need to open Sammy's Sanctuary. I remember seeing a door somewhere on this side of the department. I walked through the halls and there was a door to my left. "This must be the recording room."

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