Chapter Nine

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Henry Stein's pov

"I know there's something I gotta do in here. But I feel like I'm missing something." I though back to what the audio logs said. 'Norman said Sammy would flip the projector on and then run back into the recording room. And Sammy said in order to open his sanctuary I need to play the banjo, violin, the drum, and the drum once again. Okay I think I know what to do.' I went back up to the projector booth and flipped it on and then ran back down to the recording room. I played the instruments in order and soon there was an opening. I waited to go inside. There was another audio recording. It was a different person. The voice actress of Alice Angel. Susie Campbell.

Voice Of: Susie Campbell


"It my only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm going to love it here!"
"People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice. Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day."
"These past few weeks I have voiced everything from talking chairs to dancing chickens. But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. Like she's as a part of me."
"Alice and I, we are going places."


I walked into Sammy's sanctuary and there was a valve, I turned it. I was about to walk out of Sammy's sanctuary, then a Bendy cutout popped out from the side. I left the sanctuary, but then a bunch of those ink creatures showed up. I quickly hit them with the axe, and one by one the sunk back into there puddles again. 'I wonder what that valve did?' I walked back to Sammy's office. Before I could pass the infirmary I noticed that the ink had drained. I walked down to the infirmary. I reached the last step that was when another creature showed up. I quickly hit it with my axe. It sunk back into the puddle. "Oh no, there's no valve where did it go?"
I walked down the stairs and into this weird looking sewer. My nose burned from the smell. It was aweful. The tunnel was boarded up and on the other side was an ink creature. This ink creature wore a top hat. "Was that... thing holding my valve?" There was a small room with a desk and an audio log. This time it was Jack Fain.

Voice Of: Jack Fain


"I love the quiet, and that's hard to come by these busy times."
"And yeah sure it may stick to high hevean down here. But it's just perfect for an old lyricist like me. Sammy's songs always got some bounce, but if I didn't get away once and a while. They'd never have any words to go with them."
"So I'll keep my mind a-singing and my nose closed."


I walked down to a dead end there was the ink creature that took my valve, it didn't seem hostile as the other one's I encountered. I walked up to it but it disappeared and popped up in the corner of the room. There were two switches one said up the othe said down. I flipped the switch that said up and it lifted a crate up. 'I understand what I need to do.' I ran over to the creature and it disappeared again. This time it when under the crate. I flipped the down switch up. The crate crushed the ink monster. I grabbed the valve. "Sorry I had to do that. Nice hat though."
I walked back to the opening, but something there was some kind of distorted radio playing close by. It was coming from the other side of the fence. I walked up to the fence. "Hello?" *bang* this dog like monster popped up from nowhere. It banged on the fence and started shaking it aggressivly. The monster had some kind of wolf or a fox mask. It's eyes and teeth a ghostly white, and it's scream I didn't know how to describe it. I ran out of the infirmary worried that it would break out of the fence.

I made it back to Sammy's office the screams of that...thing echoed around the Music Department. Sammy's office was now open. I flipped the switch. 'That should have drained the stairwell.' I walked down the hall and before I could pass the audio log something hit me. My vision was blurred. "Sheep, sheep, sheep."

My eyes opened but it was still a little blurry. "There we go now, nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No we wouldn't. I must admit I am...honered that you came all the way down here to visit me. It almost makes what I'm about to do seem... cruel. But the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me. Wait, you look familiar to me... that face... Not now, for lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will finally be free from this... prison. This inky... dark... abyss I call a body. Shhhh! Quiet! Listen! He's crawling above. Crawling! Let us begin. The ritual must be completed! And soon he will hear me. He will set us free."
I was speechless. I had tried struggling my way out of the ropes. But nothing was working. "Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning you may wake, or in the morning you'll be dead. Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you, ink demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!" Banging came from inside the room that who I assume is Sammy. *bang* *thud, thud, thud* It sounded like something was coming out of a vent. *chhhhh.* It's the same distorted radio that I heard from the tunnel. "No! Stay back! Your not my savior! Stay back! Stay-" "AHHHHHH!"
I fell from the ropes that held me. I quickly ran for the axe and started chopping up those ink creatures. I walked down this long hallway and chopped down the boards that were in my way. In front of me was another room filled with ink. On the other side was a door. Before I could step foot into the pool of in. That...thing from the upper level had risen from the ink. I ran as fast as I could. That thing was chasing me! Just ahead of me was an opened door. I ran through the open door and quickly shut it behind me. The ink monster banged on the door aggressivly and from the other side I could hear a faint "Let...Me...In!"

I walked into the other room. A soup can rolled out in front of me. "Hello? I know you're there. Come out." Boris the wolf had walked out from behind the corner. "Boris?"

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