𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓦𝓪𝓼 𝓘𝓽?

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Kurt sighed as he sat down on his bed, wearing sweatpants and a loose long sleeved shirt. He had just came home from the party. Many questions were running though his mind. Who kissed me? Why did he kiss me? Will he remember it in the morning? He didn't know what he was thinking when he ran away from Santana's house. Maybe it was so shocked that his first kiss was with some drunk, straight guy that he didn't know who was nor would he ever find out. He might've would've found out if he wasn't the coward who ran away. Still continuing to ask himself a million questions in his mind, he laid down on bed and fell asleep after pulling on the covers.


Blaine woke up in his own room and in his comfy bed, but the bedcovers were under him, not below him. When he glanced town at himself, he saw that instead of his costume, he was now wearing grey sweatpants and a white tank top. He glanced to his left to see a glass of water and some Advil on his bedside table. His huge headache made him groan when he sat up grabbed the water and Advil. When he drank the water, he noticed the temperature of it. It's wasn't cold and he wondered how long it had been on the small table. It did feel good to get some nonalcoholic liquor down his dry throat. He then noticed a sheet of paper where the glass once stood. After picking it up, he read it.

You were really drunk when Finn dropped you off last night.
I managed to get you out of the costume and into something
you could sleep in meanwhile you kept talking about competing
against your friend Puck. Before I left, I left you something for
the hangover as you've already seen. There's some leftovers
from dinner last night in the fridge if you're hungry.

Blaine found his phone on the bed and checked the time. 12:38pm. He then opened the messages and tapped on Finn's contact.

Hey dude. About what time did you drop me off?

After the text was sent, he sent Santana a message while he was waiting for a reply from Frankenteen.

Awesome party! Do you want me to come over
and help you clean up? I bet a lot of the mess is
Puck and I's fault.

The cheerleader was way faster at responding than the tall jock.

Well, you two did get a little too buzzed when
you decided to see who was the fastest at
drinking beer. Britt stayed over and she'll
help me clean up.

Blaine turned off his phone after replying and threw it on the bed. His thoughts wandered back to the party. It was all a blur, but one thing was glued into his memory. He kissed someone. He kissed a guy and it felt good. Even though he was drunk, he knew that he felt a spark even though it was only a short kiss. Never underestimate the power of a spark. When it's there, you know you've found someone you truly want to be with. He needed to find that someone. If only he could remember him. He didn't even remember the stranger's costume. The only thing
S that was glued in his mind was the heat of his skin and the amazing feeling of his lips. He would do anything to feel that way again, no matter if he would have to kiss all of the boys at school to do so. No matter how long it would take, Blaine was determined to find the mysterious boy and when he had done that, he would finally come out to the world.


"We still need to go to the mall after school, Kurt." Mercedes said as the two of them were walking trough the hallway with their arms linked after their last lesson before Glee Club. Mercedes was determined to go to the mall to buy some coat of fake fur that she saw in a store when she was in the mall with her mother.

"Mercedes, I have no doubt that you will look absolutely fabulous in that coat, but yellow isn't exactly your color. You should definitely look for it navy." He replied, not looking at the girl by his arm, but straight forward.

"Well, you can help me look for it if you go with me." She tried, squeezing the arm of her friend. "You need to go out more, Kurt. It's as if you've been stuck in your house every day after Glee Club after you came out. If someone is hurting you, I'll get Santana and we'll make sure they're getting hurt twice as much." She protectively exclaimed and let go of Kurt's arm as they reached his locker.

"No need to, Mercedes. No on-" As usual on a Monday afternoon, Jacob Ben Israel was walking around in the hallway, trying to hand out school gossip papers out, but got ignored by all of the students. JBI's yelling cut off Kurt, but what really was getting all of Kurt's attention was a short boy with black hair that was gelled back. Within a second, Kurt recognized the boy who made him feel welcomed to the team, the boy, who would risk his reputation just to be his friend. Blaine. Something was wrong. This wasn't the Blaine he was used to see smiling at him when he came into the locker room. This Blaine was sprinting towards the front doors while his hand was covering his mouth and there were tear stains on his cheeks while his face had gotten all red from crying. Kurt saw other students whispering to each other while staring at Blaine. Surprisingly, everyone had made space for the boy to exit the school.

"Blaine!" He heard Santana call, but she didn't do anything. Kurt decided that he should try to help the short boy just like he had helped him, so he shut his locker and ran after Blaine.

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