T H R E E 🧸

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A week or so after the park meeting, Yoongi hadn't been able to concentrate properly.

Hoseok jumped out of his skin with a yelp as a metal bun tray fell from Yoongi's hands and hit the tiled floor with a loud clatter.
"Sorry!" The older quickly apologised, stooping down to retrieve the tray.

Hoseok used his forearm to brush his hair out of his eyes and looked at Yoongi.
"S'unlike you to drop stuff. What's up?" Hoseok asked adding the final touches of icing to his cupcake.

Yoongi sighed inwardly as he watched Hoseok's face contort in concentration as he displayed he'd perfected his craft and iced the cake exquisitely, his tongue poking out a little as he concentrated hard.
"Nothing, If you don't mind i'm going to leave a little early tonight. You good to lock up?"

Hoseok looked up from his batch of perfect cakes and nodded with a smile, the piping bag still in his grip.
"Of course. Just leave me your key and i'll shut up shop around six."
"You can go at five, when we shu-"
"H'yeah I know but, I wanna make a cake for my gran's birthday after hours, if that's okay?"
"Sure." Yoongi smiled with a nod as he placed the bun tray in the wash and cleaned his hands before dusting them with flour and kneading some dough that needed to prove before he could finish his task as he spoke to Hoseok about his plans for the cake he was going to make.

With their happy chatter and the busy day, it didn't seem like long before it was time for Yoongi to leave. He glanced at the clock as he dried his hands on his apron and tugged it over his head and chucked it into the laundry pile. Just as he was about to leave he head Hoseok shout.
"Oh shi-" Yoongi skidded to a halt on his way out the kitchen and pulled his keys out of his pocket before chucking them to Hoseok who caught them easily.

"Have a good evening dude." Hoseok grinned as he gave a tiny wave with a doughy hand, his other pocketing the keys and Yoongi smiled a little before turning on his heel to leave.

His destination? The nursery.

It was still a beautiful summer evening but much cooler than the last week had been. The clouds were setting in and the air pressure was intense.
"Maybe it'll thunder soon." Yoongi mumbled to himself as he walked down the street towards his destination.

It wasn't far from his patisserie, only a fifteen minute walk, but by the time he'd gotten there the sun was gone, there was a warm breeze in the air and rain had just started to spatter the hot pavement with dark spots. 

He buzzed at the front door and a woman over the intercom spoke asking who it was and what she could do for him, and that's when it hit him. What did he want? Why was he back here?

"Uh..I've come to see Yn."
"Okay. Come on in to reception." The woman spoke as the heavy door hummed and he was able to push it open. He suddenly chuckled to himself. What was he going to do now he was here?

He didn't have much time to dwell on it as a familiar face appeared, he instantly recognised her as the lady looking after the littles at the park last week. She greeted him with a smile.
"Intrigued are we sir?" She asked with a smile and he just stood there with a blank face, his mouth hanging open a fraction as he shrugged.

Was he intrigued? Is that why he was here?

Before he even realised it he was following the woman down a hallway filled with bright boards, full of pictures of the littles doing various activities and profiles about them, he noticed Yn wasn't on the wall.
"Why's Yn not on the wall?"
"You weren't lying when you said you're blunt and forward were you?" The woman asked over her shoulder with a smile. "Yn isn't on the wall as she isn't up for adoption, she has a home, if that's what you can call it."

The woman had muttered the last bit but Yoongi caught it. 

He heard it.

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