F O U R T E E N 🧸

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It was a week or so after Yn had been to collect her belongings from her old home and there had still been no sign of her lame caregiver getting in contact.

Yn and himself had settled into a good routine. She was generally little in the day and big in the evening and at night. Whilst in these evenings it transpired that they got on incredibly well as friends while she was big.

Currently Yoongi was at his patisserie, working steadily with Hoseok. Yoongi brushed his fringe out of his eyes with his forearm and looked through the kitchen to the counter. Yn was out there with Ellie and Hannah, they had quickly taught Yn over the weeks, how to serve pastries and wrap them neatly in the boxes and she was happy doing little tasks like this when Yoongi needed her out of the kitchen.

Hoseok watched Yoongi watching Yn and he seemed distracted.
"S'up boss?" Hoseok asked as he expertly wrapped the dough to put in the proving drawer.

Yoongi thought on the question for a moment, his bracelets jingling as he vigorously rolled out his dough in front of him.
"I'm just..." he put the rolling pin down and glanced to check Yn wasn't in ear shot. He lowered his voice as he leant on the counter, both of his palms flat on the cool surface as he bit his lip, giving his head a shake to ruffle his hair out of his eyes.

"I saw the lame excuse of a caregiver out on the street the other day. He's back so why isn't he after Yn? Why's he not chasing her?" His voice hanging with doubt, uncertainty about why the man was biding his time before demanding Yn go back.

Hoseok laughed and smiled, trying to ease his friends anxiety. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to lighten the mood.
"Maybe he can't be bothered with the fight? Maybe he doesn't want her back?"

Yoongi shook his head and resumed his work. He knew the bloke would want Yn back. He'd seen the contract that was drawn up for Yn to sign. The bloke wanted her for life there was no way he'd just let her go and that would be the end of it.

The day eventually came to a close and being in her little space Yn hugged everyone goodbye as they shut the door and locked it.
"Bye sweetheart. We'll see you tomorrow." Ellie smiled.
"See you tomorrow. Have a good night darling." Hannah hugged her back tightly.
"No late nights!" Hoseok winked.

Yoongi couldn't help but notice that for some reason this made Yn blush. What had shot through her mind when Hobi said that? He tilted his head in thought as Yn skipped away waving at the trio as she made her way over to Yoongi.

"Ready for home time kitten?" He asked holding his hand out for the pretty, small, lolita clad, doll looking girl to hold. As he continued to watch her he noticed she was acting a little odd. She looked at his large hand, open waiting for her to take it and she turned a little red, swallowed hard, flicked her gaze from his hand to meet his eyes for a brief second before tearing her gaze away to Hoseok walking away behind her, then to his hand and taking it, linking her fingers with his.

This shocked Yoongi. She always held hands normally and didn't intertwine their fingers. Their conversation on the way home suddenly seemed fragile and a little forced and it bothered Yoongi beyond belief. As soon as they got in the door  Yn shot off to get dressed into her big girl clothes and left him stood by the front door shutting it gently as Holly bounced around his feet.

"No idea what's put a bee in her bonnet." He muttered to the poodle. Chucking his keys on the little table by the door as they landed with a satisfying clink and he made his way to the kitchen to pull a bottle of water out the fridge, dwelling on Yn's actions.

It was some time later and Yoongi was stewing on Yn's behaviour on the sofa as he absentmindedly chewed on his thumb nail. She hadn't come down since she come in and it almost seemed like she was almost ignoring him. Yet she'd been fine up until home time and that's when she turned odd. His temper got the better of him and he shot off the sofa and took the stairs two at a time heading to Yn's room.

What he hadn't been prepared for was to crash into her coming out of the bathroom. He grabbed her forearm to keep her upright where he'd walked into her at speed knocking her off balance. Her hair was damp and curling, her face was flushed, she was wearing a long t-shirt tied into a knot on one side. Exposing one side of her soft skin on her stomach, her joggers hanging showing her hip bone from the tied t-shirt. Her skin was hot and soft under his grip and she looked up at him a little shocked.

"What's up with you?!" She asked a little taken back at the speed he'd crashed into her sending her flying.
"You!" Yoongi spat back without thinking about it.

Suddenly his heart was thudding in his ears. He'd never argued with Yn but he was sure he was about too and it wouldn't end well. Her face dropped, her eyebrows creasing.

"Me?!" She asked a little shocked as she shook off his grip demanding to know what the fuck he was talking about.
"You've been weird since we left work! You were blushing at Hobi, and turned back to glance at him before we left, and you hesitated to take my hand. You couldn't even talk to me as we walked home! Do you like him?!" Yoongi's frustrations and thoughts manifesting in his mind and blurting out of his mouth like a venom he couldn't stop. He couldn't believe he'd said it as he saw the hurt flash across Yn's face followed by anger.

He was ready for a slap.
Ready for her to hurl abuse at him.
Ready to hear that it was none of his business.
Ready for her lips on his.

No wait. He wasn't ready for that and it totally threw him off guard to the point he instantly pulled back. This in turn caused Yn to flush red and look at the floor, feeling an idiot for starting a kiss that wasn't returned as she tried to make him see his words were nonsense.

Yn stepped back and spoke, her voice wavering where she wanted to cry because she felt stupid.
"I blushed when he said no late nights because thoughts of us crashed through my mind. I looked back at him because after those thoughts I was embarrassed to look at you. I hesitated to take your hand because I'm suddenly so aware of these weird feelings I have for you, I wasn't sure what to say to you with these thoughts and I don't know how to act on them! "

Towards the end of the rant her tears had subsided and turned into anger as her voice raised to a shout, shocking Yoongi. He'd never seen anything but gentle behavior from her. And her parting words were left ringing in his ears.
" Why does it matter if I like Hobi anyway?! You clearly can't return my feelings!" She shouted as she stormed off into her room they'd sorted for her after moving her stuff in and slammed the door.

Yoongi was left alone on the landing with his thoughts. Why did it bother him so much that he thought she might like Hoseok?
"Oh shit. I'm falling for her..." He muttered to himself into the stillness surrounding him as he dragged his hands down his face. Turning on his heel and heading back downstairs to process the thoughts.

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