S E V E N🧸

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The day had passed quickly and it was just Jimin, Yn, Yoongi and the headmistress sat in her office on the ground floor. It was long gone time for the nursery to shut. All the littles who had caregivers had gone home and the ones who lived at the nursery had gone to the other side of the large site to the accommodation quarters with the staff.

"It's nearly eight o'clock sweetheart..." The headmistress sighed to Yn as she glanced at the bottom corner of her pc whilst she typed away, making use of the time to finish up some work.
"Has this happened before?" Yoongi asked glancing at the woman who was perched on her chair behind her desk.
"Mhmm. Sadly yes. He's not collected her a few times before."

This alarmed Yoongi and Jimin just looked sad as he sniffed and scrunched his nose up behind his dummy from where he was perched on Yoongi's lap as Yn sat next to him holding his spare hand that wasn't keeping Jimin on his lap tightly.

Unsure of what would happen he asked the headmistress who explained it was down to Yn to decide.
"How's it down to Yn?" He asked with a tilt of his head and the headmistress sighed and explained briefly that because of Yn's real age she was old enough to decide where to go, she could go to a spare room in the accommodation side of the site, or she could go home with a staff member.

"Sleep with Jimin?!" Jimin asked excitedly as he wriggled on Yoongi's lap and Yn shook her head and looked a little sheepish as she clutched onto Yoongi's sleeve and looked down at the floor mumbling.
"Wanna go home with Mr Min...and Holly..."

Yoongi wasn't sure he'd heard her quite right but Jimin confirmed it for him with a loud squeal of delight as he clapped and grinned behind the dummy.
"Jimin come too!"
"Uh..I dunno about tha-" But Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence as the headmistress spoke over him without even glancing up from her keyboard.

"If that's what you want darling you can, as long as Yoongi doesn't mind?" She finally looked up from the screen to Yoongi as she placed her hands in her lap looking at him expectantly.

He felt trapped.

How could he say no when he had the headmistress looking at him like he was Yn's saint and saviour, Jimin was clapping happily with a smile so big his eyes all but vanished and Yn was clutching tightly to his sleeve still looking at the floor from her seat next to him, her ears a slight pink where she was blushing as she waited for an answer.
"Uh..Yeah..sure." He agreed without even really thinking it through. The time ticking away cutting their time for decision making shorter by the minute. Literally.

Yn was given a bag by the headmistress with some spare clothes in that she kept at the nursery incase she got paint on her clothes during messy play as they stood at the back entrance to the nursery, the normal one shut because it was after opening hours.
"Bye ChimChim! Yn will see you tomorrow!" She said as he gave her a massively tight hug, Jimin quickly unlatched himself from Yn and koala'd himself to Yoongi making him grunt with the force of keeping them both upright as he clutched the door frame to prevent them both toppling over.
"Night Night!" Jimin sang happily.
"G'night Jimin. Be a good boy for bedtime okay?" Yoongi asked ruffling the hair atop of his head as he untangled the boys limbs from him so he could leave with Yn.

The thought of taking her home was making him nervous. Being with her in the nursery surrounded by expert caregivers was one thing but being alone with her in his house was another thing all together.

She followed him silently through the streets, and the stopped at a zebra crossing, Yoongi didn't even look as the roads around his estate were almost silent in the evenings and he stepped into the empty road without so much as a thought for the little behind him. That was until he heard a strangled pre-cry whimper and his head whipped around to see Yn stood at the sidewalk still her hand open and a sad face.

"Ah shit!" He cursed under his breath jogging back to Yn. He took her dainty hand in his and without even thinking about it he bent down a little and kissed her cheek.
"Sorry Kitten! C'mon let's go." He said looking ahead as he pulled her across the crossing, loosening his grip once they'd crossed but she refused to let go and looked at the floor, holding his hand tightly the rest of the way to his house refusing to speak.

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