T W E L V E🧸

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Yn settled onto the sofa on Yoongi's lap after he'd sent her to fetch some plates with Hobi so he could briefly explain their situation and Yn's little space to prevent them from asking about her behaviour and making her uncomfortable. Yn was quiet as she listened to their happy chatter, looking at the men and going over what she'd learned about them so far.

Jungkook was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt underneath, he had long black hair that flopped into his eyes and was so long he could tuck it behind his ears, it was a little curly and suited him perfectly. He was a lawyer.

Namjoon was dressed in a black cardigan with a blue T-shirt underneath. He has dark blue jeans on and a pair of black high top trainers. He was a geneticist.

Seokjin was dressed in a pink shirt that was unbuttoned with a white t-shirt underneath, tucked into his black slacks and the long pink sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was neat and straight sitting perfectly on his forehead above his eyes, he was handsome and tall. He was a doctor. 

Taehyung was dressed in a black t-shirt, black jeans with rips in them and a pair of red and white high top trainers. His hair was blonde and wavy and his eyes were blue. He was shockingly handsome and Yn often found herself gaping at him. He was a policeman which shocked Yn. He was far too pretty to be a police officer.

She knew Hoseok and was happy to have him sat next to herself and Yoongi on the sofa as she absentmindedly chewed on her piece of pizza. That was up until she heard some of the conversation and nearly choked.

"Y-you want my contract with my caregiver? Why?" She squeaked trying not to cough anymore as Yoongi pat her back slightly worried by her coughing.
"Because if we can see a copy of it we can find a way to get you out of it." Jungkook smiled a bunny type smile at Yn that set her heart fluttering before he chomped into his food again.

Yn shuffled on Yoongi's lap making him swallow hard. 
"What..Uhh..I'm getting out of it?" Yn asked quietly and Yoongi nodded.
"We're going to try. You don't want to be there anymore right?" He asked gently tucking her hair behind her ear, letting his hand rest on her face, the others continuing their chatter as they formulated a plan and Yn shook her head. She didn't want to be there anymore.

"Then we're going to try to sort it. We've got a good team here, a lawyer, a geneticist, doctor a policeman and myself and Hobi. I think we have a good shot at this Yn." Hoseok grinned overhearing their conversation and Yn nodded with a glance at her new team of helpers in the room. Yn didn't quite understand why there were willing to help her, but she wasn't going to turn it down.

"The only thing we're missing is this whole thing from a little's perspective. Yn would you be willing to appear in court in your little space if it gets that far?" Jungkook asked after a few hours of planning with the others and Yn quickly shook her head. Not a hope in hell would she appear in court, big or little.

"Huh..." Jungkook hummed as he tried to think of a different way around it and that's when Taehyung spoke up.
"Hey wait. I've got a little I visit once a week I bet he'd be willing to help. He's an outgoing kid." The whole room glanced at him and he shrugged.
"No one ever asked so I never said." 
"Who is it?" Yoongi asked and Yn's face lit up when Tae spoke.
"His name is Jimin."
"CHIM CHIM!" Yn squealed happily and Tae's face spread into a grin as he realised Yn knew him. She agreed he'd be willing to help and knowing that the handsome policeman was already involved with little's relaxed her. He was a safe man and she was instantly more comfortable with him being there. 

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