N I N E🧸

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Yoongi woke up with Yn still clinging to him. He gingerly turned his head to see her still fast asleep, her breaths deep and even.
"I really need to get up." He muttered to himself as he fumbled around for his phone and caught sight of the time, shooting Hoseok a text to open up without him, he'd be late.

It didn't take him long to get himself and Yn ready. She was back to her normal little self, almost as if last night hadn't happened. He fed her breakfast and was thoroughly enjoying looking after the girl. They were holding hands as he shut the front door and stepped into the morning summer sun.

"Where are we going dada?" Yn asked happily.
"Uh... I'm not dada sweetheart. I'm Yoongi."
"If you're not dada what are you?" She asked, her head tilting in confusion as they walked along the path towards the edge of the estate to head to the nursery before he left to go to work.

"I'm your friend. Who's a boy that looks after you."
"So you're my boyfriend?!" Yn asked shocked and Yoongi nearly choked on his own saliva.
"Oh god-" But the conversation took a turn when Yn stopped at the zebra crossing as Yoongi carried on causing him to be jolted backwards.

He looked behind him at the little, their hands still linked.
"You didn't look both ways! STOP, LOOK, LISTEN!" She  scolded loudly and he rolled his eyes backtracking to her side to cross the way she wanted.

They made it to the nursery and the headmistress was ready to greet them, her face looking troubled.
"Yn darling, good morning." She smiled, and Yoongi saw how tense she was, like she had something to say.

Being a blunt as ever her kept a hold of Yn's hand and asked the headmistress what was wrong. She quickly explained that Yn's caregiver had rang early this morning explaining that he'd had to fly out the country for the next two days.
"Right, so where's little Yn going to go!?" Yoongi asked angrily and the headmistress sighed, her shoulders dropping.

She explained that this had happened before and in these instances most Caregivers would have an account with money in for their littles so if anything like this happened they could go into their big space and survive alone until their Caregivers came back.
"And what about you kitten? Does your caregiver give you money?" He asked, doubt edged in his voice and Yn shook her head.

"It's okay, she can stay with us until he's back I guess." The headmistress replied, her expression a little grim.
"Problem sol-" But Yoongi was cut off as Yn gripped his arm tightly.
"Wanna stay with you." She mumbled looking at the floor and the headmistress smiled.

"What?" Yoongi snapped, uncomfortable with the soft look the woman held.
"She really likes you..." She sighed with a dreamy smile, like a mother watching her happy child.
"Yeah well...Whatever, i'll keep her with me but ring me when you've got news okay?" Yoongi muttered, unsure of what to say.

He took Yn's hand in his and walked out the nursery, he'd just have to take her to work.

Yn bounded happily along beside him and he watched as her face lit up at the sight of his patisserie, already opened and busy with customers. He took her hand and gently pulled her in as she took a huge breath, savouring the sweet smells.
"Morning Ellie, Hannah." Yoongi smiled with a nod to the two girls who served at the counter who gave a happy greeting back.

Yoongi took an awestruck Yn out the back to the kitchen where Hoseok was already hard at work.
"Mornin' boss." He grinned as he glanced at Yn and Yoongi shuddered, he hated it when he was called boss and Hobi always did it to mess with him.

Yoongi briefly explained to Hoseok what had occurred as he pulled on his chef whites and plonked an apron over Yn's head tying it at the back before washing his hands with her ready to start working. He wasn't quite sure what she'd be able to do or where her skill level with cooking was at but he needed to work, and his curiosity about Yn over the last month or so had somehow landed her in his care for the foreseeable future. That is at least until her half assed excuse of a caregiver gave enough fucks to come back for her.


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