T W E N T Y 🧸

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Trigger warning to domestic abuse and violence.

Also I have no idea how a court system works. I'm doing my best sorry if it's totally wrong. 


It was the night before the court case and Yoongi had Yn in his bed. An anxious mess about what was going to happen when she woke up. Yoongi couldn't deny he was worried too but he couldn't show it. He had to remain calm for her, at least on the outside, he could panic internally all he wanted. 

The morning soon came around and Yoongi felt like he'd been laying there all night looking at the ceiling with not a wink of sleep. Yn had slept but fitfully in her anxious state.

Today was the day of the trial. 

Around eight in the morning the boys started turning up one by one ready to head to the trial together. Jungkook was there before anyone else, talking to Yn and Yoongi as they picked at their breakfast. Unfortunately for Yn despite not wanting to stand up in court it hadn't transpired that way and to help he be free from this entanglement she would have to stand up and speak.

With some training from Jungkook over the weeks about what would be asked and how she should reply she was as ready as she'd ever be. She'd also been explicitly promised her caregiver would not be allowed near her. Jin had also prescribed her some anxiety medication to help keep her calm during the process. Jimin was all smiles and calm and Taehyung was appearing as an officer not a friend. Everyone would have to have their turn standing up and speaking which made Yn feel better.

later that morning all eight of them made their way into the court room. Yoongi could feel Yn's grip on his sleeve tighten as they sat at a table on the left before a judge, her caregiver brute  to the table on the right with his defence team, built on the best money could buy, but Yoongi had faith in his friends. 

As the court case started Yn found out that much more had been going on behind the scenes than she realised. Jungkook whispered to her that her caregiver was being tried for domestic abuse, emotional abuse and entrapment with the help of all of them and the old lady who used to be the housekeeper had come forward as a witness, along with a file of photos of damage to Yn's skin and logs on interactions between her and the caregiver that the nursery had taken as proof for the case they were building before just in case Yn would let them do something to help her. 

Yn felt overwhelmed at the support network she had. She was blessed Yoongi had come into her life and that the nursery workers were such kind people. She glanced behind her for the first time to see faces she knew in the crowd behind her watching the trial.

Yoongi wasn't allowed to the table with her but sat right behind her in the crowd. As they were seated Yoongi quickly muttered to Yn amongst the chatter.
"Don't worry kitten. Jungkook will look after you. I'm right here too." His voice deep and gentle and Yn nodded as she twisted her fingers anxiously in her lap and Jungkook patted her shoulder. Silence fell across the court room as the judge entered and everyone stood upon ceremony before being seated again. 

The case started and dragged on for many hours. The Jury taking notes and shaking their heads, tutting, looking thoughtful. A range of emotions Yoongi noticed and it made him uneasy. They were like a ticking time bomb, deciding the brutes fate that had tormented his girl for years. 

The caregiver took the stand and had his say as his team asked him questions.
"Was Yn in her right mind when she signed the contract with you?"
"Yes, she was."
"Did Yn understand what she was getting into?"
"Yes she did."
"Did Yn sign it under duress?"
"Is it common to have a contract in this dynamic?"

Yoongi could see Namjoon and Jin shaking their heads. Jungkook took Yn to the stand and gave her a big smile and a nod.
"Yn. Looking at this man-" He gestured to the caregiver, "-how does that make you feel?"
"Frightened." She said quickly and quietly and Jungkook nodded.
"How did you meet this man?"
"O-on the internet." She stammered and Jungkook nodded again.
"How old were you when you signed the contract?"

There was a shout of objection from the caregivers team but they were silenced. The judge asked Jungkook to stick to the facts and he put his hand up.
"I will, if you'll allow me to bring out two more of our team. Doctors."
"Take the stand." The Judge sighed and Jin and Namjoon came up.

They worked as a duo with graphs, data, examples and studies that age regression is in fact quite real, although not widely known or understood by the general public. They then brought Jimin out in his little space. He came into the room holding Tae's hand and he hopped onto the stand as Jin and Namjoon stepped down.
"Jimin, hello." Namjoon smiled
"HI HI" he replied loudly clutching a blanket in his hands.
"How old are you jimin?"
"TWO!" He shouted and Tae chuckled explaining to him he didn't need to shout. It continued like this, questions about Jimin's favourite things, and hobbies, pictures he'd drawn etc until the jury understood what age regression was and how in this state the mind is altered into a different age and as such the regressor is not capable of signing anything. 

There was an intense stir in seats of the Jury and uncomfortable whispering between the caregivers team. Even the old housekeeper was called up and questioned for some time.
"Oh yes. Over the years he took away all of her adult responsibilities and essentially trapped her into a life that suited him. She had nothing. No money, no keys, no freedom. Heart breaking." She finished sobbing. 

The judge couldn't deny this was one of the most complicated and peculiar cases he'd ever sat for. Taehyung also swore oath and took the stand. He gave his account of the time he'd spend with Jimin, and the account of the time he'd taken Yn back to the house to collect her things and the conversation between herself and the housekeeper about how her skin had never looked so clear and free from marks and bruising.

The whole team were like a cat on a hot tin roof whilst the Jury deliberated. Yoongi had bitten his nails into total stubs, Yn couldn't stop pacing and feeling like she was going to be sick, Jungkook paced up and down, Jin sipped coffee he didn't want, Namjoon was tapping his fingers, Hobi was jiggling his legs as he sat and Jimin was colouring happily. 

The Jury deliberated for 6 hours before deciding.

As everyone was filed back into the court room the atmosphere was intense. 
The judge asked a member of the jury to stand as they gave their verdict.
"This Jury find the defendant guilty on all counts."

Everyone on Yn's team breathed a sigh of relief. There were tears and hugs and the caregiver looked furious. The judge asked for order and sentenced the brute to fifteen years in prison on several counts of actual bodily harm, emotional, physical and monetary abuse along with allowing her to sign a contract when she was in no for state to do so and his understanding of her mental age at the time would make the contract void.

It was a wonderful outcome and the tears of joy shed by Yn, Yoongi, the housekeeper, Jimin and everyone else were the sweetest tears. Yoongi held Yn close over the barrier as the caregiver was taken away by officers.
"It's over kitten. You've beaten him." Yoongi beamed through tears and Yn shook her head.
"We beat him. As a group of friends." She sobbed and they all hugged tightly with Yn in the middle. Tonight would be a night for celebrating. 

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