F I F T E E N 🧸

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Late that night Yoongi was lying in bed, his mind too full of thoughts of Yn to fall asleep. They hadn't spoken since the argument. He sat up in bed looking at the clock that read 1AM. Something in him told him he shouldn't just leave things as they are.

"Fucks sake." He mumbled in annoyance as he forced himself out of bed, tugged his door open and gently padded barefoot across the landing. He stopped outside Yn's room to hear any signs that she was awake.

Only hearing his own heart beat in his ears he come to the conclusion she was asleep. He gently twisted the door handle and opened it a fraction to see Yn sat cross legged on the bed, a book in her hands. Her head instantly whipped up at the door as it opened enough to let out a small creak.

"Oh.. Yoongi..." Yn's voice was gentler than he was expecting. She obviously wasn't raging anymore. She used one hand to beckon him in and patted the space next to her on the bed. She took in his attire as he stepped into the moonlight and cursed to herself. All he was wearing was sweats that hung around his hips.

Yoongi did exactly the same thing in his mind as she sat there in tiny shorts and a white lacy bralet. He rolled his eyes reminding himself to look elsewhere as he took a space next to her and leant his back against the wall. There was silence for a bit and he took the book out of her hands and gently chucked it onto her desk where it landed with a slap.
"S'bad to read in dim light and moonlight is as dim as it gets." He gently scolded and Yn laughed.

"Not to sound bratty but, why do you care?" She laughed sassily leaning back against the wall with him. And that's when Yoongi saw his opportunity and took it. He didn't bother with words, instead he prodded her repeatedly in her side till she fell sideways laughing and hollering for him to stop.
" Y-Yoongi! Stop! The n-neighbours are asleep!" She squealed loudly as she writhed on the bed as he playfully poked her, a grin on his face as she laughed.

He relented and she propped herself up on her elbows to glare at him.
"What do you even want at ten past one in the morning?!" She snapped but he could tell by the glint in her eyes under the moonlight and the light tone in her voice she wasn't mad.
"I wanted to show you something." His deep voice sounding into the silence of the room, along with a yelp and the swoosh of blankets as he grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him.

His hands worked their way up her legs as he pulled, with little reluctance from Yn, till eventually she was straddling him. His heart was thumping in his ears as he placed his hands on her bare hips and she gripped his shoulder for support her other hand resting on his bicep.
"Yoongi.." Yn breathed quietly, the tension suddenly palpable in the silence around them, hanging heavy in the air as their faces sat inches apart, his hands feeling hot on her bare skin. Her skin impeccably soft and supple under his large hands.

There was an awkward silence as their faces hovered close, their noses almost touching and Yn hoped she knew what was coming when Yoongi's right hand slid up her ribs and rested on her neck. His thumb gently rubbing her jawline as his gaze never left hers. Pinning her to the spot as she hoped in the pit of her stomach this was going where she thought it was.

She was rewarded when his lips touched hers. It wasn't how she imagined he would kiss. In her mind she had replayed this scenario many times and he was a rough kisser, taking what he wanted and leaving her breathless. This however was a different kind of kiss. It was slow, gentle and full of untold emotions. A mere graze of his lips against hers, repeated a few times to test the waters.

Yn couldn't settle with such a timid kiss, she wanted more from him. She deepened the kiss surprising Yoongi and he returned the kiss passionately letting Yn lead. He had no idea how far she'd go or what she was comfortable with it so it was better for her to lead and take what she wanted, to a certain extent.

Her hands were eager as they slid down his chest to the waistband of his sweats where his member was turning hard at their heated interactions, her tongue dancing with his as their breathing turned heavy and laboured. Just as her hand went to enter his sweats he grabbed her wrist.
"Yoongi~" She whined and he grinned into the kiss.
"Baby have you done this before?" He chuckled at her eagerness between kisses.

"Fuck no." She giggled but she was eager and he pulled back with a little laughter of his own as he lifted her hands and kissed her wrists and palms.
"Then let's not rush it." He smiled and he saw her face drop as a sassy eyebrow raised.
"It's fine you can teach me." She begged as her eyes flit to his tent in his sweats.
"I will. Just not tonight kitten." He chuckled at her cuteness as she flopped backwards in defeat.

This girl had never done it before, and she was precious. He didn't want her doing something in the heat of the moment she may regret later. Instead he laid down beside her and she rolled into his side, throwing her arm and leg across him.
"Fine but you're staying here." She stropped and he laughed a little as he agreed he would and they fell asleep together, one happy that her feelings were returned despite a little fight before hand and being made to go slow. The other a little worried about what the outcome of all this would be, their feelings would definitely make a complicated situation worse.

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